(11) The Newest Niijima

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Sae found herself driving hurriedly through the busy roads as she made her way to the hospital.

Ren had informed her about Makoto going into labor about two hours ago. She'd hurriedly grabbed her keys and began her journey to see her sister.

"Hey don't worry Sae," Tae Takemi reassured from the passenger seat. "Makoto-san and Ren-san will be alright."

"I know Tae. I'm just...worried is all. My own mother died soon after Makoto was born. I just worry that something will happen."

"It will be okay hun. I've known Ren-san for a long time. He won't let anything bad happen to your sister." Sae looked at her wife's smile, reassuring her of the truthfulness behind her statement.

"Yeah. Yeah you're right. I need to be positive. It's going to be okay. Thank you."

"Anytime honey." Sae continued her drive at Tae's note, much less worried but no less excited about meeting her niece.


Once Sae and Tae reached the hospital, they checked in with the front office and made their way towards the delivery room, spotting a familiar older gentleman and a red-headed woman beside him.

"Hello Sakura-san. It's good to see you," Sae greeted. Tae nodded her head as she locked eyes with the cafe owner.

"Ah, Niijima-san, good to see you. And you as well doctor. It's been a while," Sojiro responded to the pair.

"So it seems Sakura-san. I trust you've been keeping well?"

"Yeah. 'Someone' has been pressing me to take it easy due to my 'seniority.'" He looked back at his adopted daughter at that, the young woman having a cheeky grin on her face as he spoke.

"Oh come on Sojiro! You're getting, like, super old now! You gotta take it easy! Tell him doc!" Futaba yelled, smiling as she continued to poke fun at her father.

"You know, it has been a while since your last check-up, Sakura-san. Should I schedule something for you?"

"I...um...yeah sure, go ahead," he responded, defeat clear in his voice as Futaba pumped her fist in victory.

"Anyways," Sae spoke up, interrupting the moment between the three. "How is Makoto? Ren called me and said she was going into labor."

"Oh yeah, the kid's in there with your sister. The little one was born an hour ago I think. Futaba and I have already been in."

Sae looked at the young woman beside Sojiro, a happy expression on her face. "She's so cute! I'm so excited to be an aunt now!" Sojiro sighed with a smile at Futaba's excitement, pestering Sae to enter the room.

As Sae entered the delivery room, she saw Makoto laying in the bed, Ren by her side as he watched over her and their child. Sae's eyes wandered to Makoto, then Ren, then to the small bundle of blankets in Makoto's arms.

"Oh, good. You're here. I was beginning to worry you wouldn't make it," Ren told her.

"Don't worry Ren, I'm perfectly fine. Tae and I only just got here," Sae responded. Ren looked to his sister-in-law's side and saw his old doctor, nodding to her as she did the same. Sae turned her attention back to her younger sister. "How are you feeling Makoto?"

"I'm...very tired. But I'm so happy sis," Makoto told, her eyes watering as she looked down at her child. "She's beautiful."

"I've been trying to get her to rest, but she didn't want to fall asleep until you got here," Ren explained to the older Niijima. He gestured Makoto with a knowing glance, his wife nodding as she understood. "Would you like to hold her?"

"U-umm...sure. If that's okay." Sae looked to Makoto for assurance, the brunette nodding as she handed her daughter to Ren, who passed her to Sae.

The young girl was indeed beautiful. She looked at the healthy round face, noticing bits of black hair looking out from her scalp. Sae caught the stirring eyes of the newborn, eyes as red as Makoto's and her own looking back. "What's her name?"

"Mio," Makoto told, smiling as she watched Sae hold her child carefully. "Mio Amamiya-Niijima." Makoto could feel tears forming in her eyes as she viewed the site before her, turning to her husband beside her."Ren...we did it. I'm so happy. Thank you...for helping me grow our family."

"Of course my Queen," he told, leaning over and kissing her lips lightly. "I know you'll be a great mother Mako. I love you so much."

"I love you too Ren." Makoto looked back to Sae, who handed Mio back to her. "Are you going to be staying sis?"

"Yes, Tae and I are going to wait outside with Sakura-san. You just rest Makoto. You've earned it." With that, Sae turned to Ren and bowed, the young man returning the gesture as Sae and Tae made their way out of the room.

Makoto beamed as she thought about how much her sister and Ren had grown. She was always worried that the man she loved and the sister she admired would despise each other, especially with their stunt as Phantom Thieves in their youth, but now she sighed with contempt, looking at her daughter again as she began drifting to sleep.

Her family hasn't shrunk at all. If anything, it was only about to get bigger.

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