Creepy two-three sentence stories

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Hey guy here are some creepy two-three sentence stories. Number 5 scared me the most 

1. My husband and I have a 5 year old daughter, who is turning 6. She came up to my husband and said" daddy guess how old I am turning," I don't know sweetie  how old are you turning," replied my husband, she held up 6 fingers. My husband and I have been up for 6 hours now and she still won't ell us where she got the 6 dead fingers from.

2.i could not believe my eyes when I saw thousand of bloody bodies. It was harder to believe when they all stood up.

3. " isn't weird daddy." Said my daughter, I look over at her" what is it," I replied " that your shadow is smiling daddy."

4. She was wondering why she was casting two shadows. After all there was only one light bulb.

5. Wifi went down. And it is never coming back

6. I love listening to my wife's sweet voice over the baby monitor. That was until I saw my wife pull up in the drive.

7. I was alone in my house when I heared a sound and reached for my torch. It was handed to me

8. My sister told me that mommy killed her. Mommy said that I don't have a sister

9. When I was little I was told not to go down to the basement, even thought I heard puppy noises. One day I went down stairs to the basement to see what was making the puppy sounds, then mommy pulled me out of the basment and started to yell at me. I cried mommy never yelled at me, mommy gave me a cookie and told me never to go down to the basement, I felt happy and didn't ask mommy why the boy in the basement had no arms or legs

10.there is nothing like the sound of a baby laughing. Unless it is 1 am and you live alone.

Ps- none of these things happened to me. These are just stories( or are they!!!😱😈)

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