15 | your ass isn't a hat

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♫  blue spirits / dwllrs  ♫

i'm happy with all my friends
we're slowly burning like cigarettes
remind me just how it feels to be alive
we sleep in and stay up all night

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life | social media |

real life

Unsurprisingly, our Target visit is eventful. As previously agreed upon, Chris, Matt, and I sprinted away from Nick as soon as we entered the large store, his disgruntled shouts mixing with our hysterical giggles as we parted ways. The three of us ran in different directions, but I quickly met up with Matt in the healthcare section. He apparently was out of toothpaste and I needed a shit-ton of stuff.

"You should let me pick a new perfume for you," Matt picks up a bottle and narrows his eyes to inspect the label. His free hand is holding his phone to vlog, knowing Nick will kill him if we leave Target with no content. "This one says coconut. That seems nice."

"I don't like coconut," I glance at him from where I am scanning the selection of hair sprays and grin when I see him spritz the perfume on his wrist.

His nose wrinkles and he quickly pulls his wrist away from his nose. "That is atrocious."

"Some of the perfumes here are really not it, but there are some good ones," I push my cart closer to him and step beside him to view the various scents. "If you find a good one, I'll buy it."

"Yes!" Matt cheers quietly, picking up another bottle. "You usually smell like fruit."

I grin, picking up a bottle labelled Apple Blossom to smell. "I like fruity-smelling things."

"Lately you've been smelling like strawberries," Matt muses, glancing over at me. "I think before that it was some type of peach-mango combination. And in high school it was at Hawaiian ruby one, right?"

I eye him suspiciously, my brow furrowing. "I am kind of scared that you remember all that. Matt, are you secretly in love with me?"

"Fuck off," Matt laughs lightly, returning to smelling various perfumes. "Go away so I can pick one without fear of you judging me."

"I love judging you," I grumble, flashing him a cheesy smile as I push my cart away from him. "I'm going to get shampoo and stuff."

Matt mumbles in response, clearly not paying attention to me as he sprays another perfume onto his wrist before saying something to the camera that sounds like "smells like Chris when he hasn't showered in four days."

Five minutes later, I've picked up everything I need and am migrating back towards the aisle with perfume, but Matt suddenly spins around a corner with a bright smile on his face.

"I found the perfect one!" His smug voice demonstrates how proud of himself he is, and the bounce in his step tells me just how excited he is to show off his choice.

My face scrunches up when he approaches me, my senses suddenly being overwhelmed by about fifty different scents. "Holy shit, Matt, how much perfume did you spray on yourself?"

He shrugs, looking down at his body. "I don't know. I was just testing them. Is it bad?"

"It's a little overwhelming, but not bad, necessarily," I inhale slowly, trying to pick up specific scents. "You kind of smell like an eight year old's rainbow-unicorn-cupcake birthday party got moved to the middle of the woods, and then got crashed by a ton of drunk adults."

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