30 | you're the only thing i'm certain about

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if you leave me / niall horan

i'm in too deep
swimming in your sea
tell me where you want to go
promise that you'll stay this close
if you leave me
oh, i think i might just lose it completely

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life |

real life

"I don't think Nick would count making out as a valid excuse for taking so long to get ready." My words are breathy, Chris' hair brushing against my face as he presses heart-pounding kisses against the delicate skin under my ear.

"Don't care," Chris mumbles as he works his way down my neck. His hands are firm on my hips, but his lips distract me from the feeling of his fingers digging into my skin as he pushes me back against the wall.

"He said five minutes like fifteen minutes ago." I twine my fingers into Chris' hair, tugging on the soft strands in impatience as he takes his sweet time kissing along my collarbone.

"B, shut up," Chris grumbles as he removes his mouth from my skin to quickly reclaim my lips with his own.

Despite having spent a significant portion of the last couple days finding stolen moments to kiss Chris when no one is looking, the butterflies rampaging my stomach have not settled. If anything, my pulse beats even faster when he looks at me now than it did before, because now I know what it feels like when he kisses me.

I can't hide the quiet giggle that slips through my lips as Chris' hands slide up my waist, his thumb brushing the bare skin on my stomach. "That tickles."

I feel Chris smile against my mouth before he slides his thumb down an inch, away from my ticklish spot. "Better?" he murmurs.

The sound of his low voice combined with his breath warm against my lips sends shivers across my skin. "Better," I whisper back before tugging him back down to kiss me again.

"TIME'S UP, MORONS!" Nick bellows from upstairs, his footsteps loud on the floor above Chris and I. "MATT, GET OFF THE COUCH AND LET'S FUCKING GO!"

Chris breaks away from me, his blue eyes fluttering open as he grins down at me. "I think it's time to go."

I grin back, a soft fondness settling in my chest as I reach up to fix Chris' hair. "I can't believe neither of them has caught on yet."

"I mean, we're acting mostly the same. We've both been clingy as fuck for years anyways," Chris shrugs, gently tucking my hair behind my ear. "We're just having a little extra fun on the side." He wiggles his eyebrows at me suggestively, to which I groan and shove him away from me.

"You are terrible." I turn away from him so he doesn't see the smile that I can't keep off my face.

"Aw, come on, Anna," Chris chuckles, following me across my room as I collect my belongings to throw in a tote bag. "You think I'm hilarious."

"I don't know about that," I hum, ignoring his warm body behind mine.

"Yes, you do," Chris giggles quietly, a sure sign that he is about to say something idiotic. "Hey, how do you make a pool table laugh?"

"How?" I mutter distractedly, scanning my desk for my chapstick. I could have sworn I left it here.

"You tickle its balls."

My eyes widen as they flicker up in shock to stare at Chris through the mirror above my desk. "What?!"

Chris beams at me. "I see that smile you're trying to hide! You think I'm the funniest person you've ever met!"

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