36 | kristoff is superior

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good game / dominic fike

boy, you know you're my favourite
sometimes i wanna save you from everything
like your problems and the dangers of everyday life
boy, you show so much promise

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life |

real life

"I can't believe you guys are going out." Matt sulks from mine and Chris' bed, his lips turned down in a frown. "I mean, I'm glad you're taking the cockroach with you, but you're leaving me with Mr. Shouty, Mr. Dirty Jokes, and Mr. Has to Make Everything a Competition. You balance everyone out. I can't handle them all without you."

"Matt, it's your brothers and your best friend. I think you'll be okay." I lean closer to the mirror in the bathroom to fill in my eyebrows. I can see Matt's reflection, and the grumpy look on his face makes me laugh. "Why are you so pissed off?"

"None of them know how to be quiet!" Matt whines, throwing himself backwards on the bed. "And Chris is all riled up because he's devoured an entire case of Pepsi since yesterday, and Nate is still mad that you pushed him into the pool, and Callie is the bane of my existence!"

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened between you two?" I ask as I swap my eyebrow pencil for my mascara.

"I don't want to talk about it." Matt's voice is muffled by the pillow he has thrown over his face.

"Callie's a really good friend, she can just be a little rough around the edges. You just have to prove that you're a real one." I swiftly brush mascara over my eyelashes, noticing Matt sit up to look at me in the mirror.

"Is she always so bitchy?"

I snort with laughter, my mascara jerking slightly in my hand. "Matt, be nice. She's not a bitch, she's just very sure of herself and has absolutely no filter."

"Sounds like a bitch to me," Matt mumbles under his breath, his eyes tracking my movements as I carefully apply lip liner. "You know you don't need all that makeup, right? You're pretty without it."

I force my face muscles to stay relaxed and not round into a smile, not wanting to ruin my drying makeup. "Thanks, Matty. I think makeup is fun to put on sometimes, that's all."

Matt hums in acknowledgement as he fiddles with a loose thread on the duvet. "Remind me where you're going?"

"Callie's cousin lives right down the street. He's having a little party tonight and told Callie she should come."

"That sounds like a recipe for disaster."

I roll my eyes in amusement as I locate my favourite red lipstick. "We'll be fine. And so will you."

The sound of familiar footsteps on the stairs makes Matt groan, and he collapses back onto the bed, knowing who is about to enter the bedroom.

"PEPSI, GET YOUR PEPSI!" Chris bellows, bursting into the room. "MATTHEW!" He launches onto the bed and lands on top of his brother, making the slightly older triplet curse in surprise.

"Get the fuck off!" Matt tries to shove Chris off of him, but Chris settles all his weight onto Matt.

"But I love you!" Chris whines, resting his head on Matt's chest.

"Go harass your girlfriend," Matt grumbles, managing to push Chris off.

"Not my girlfriend," Chris clarifies, but jumps off the bed to prance into the bathroom. He twists his arms around my waist and drops his chin on my shoulder, his smile luminescent as he beams at me in the mirror as I finish up my lipstick. "Hey, gorgeous."

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