Chapter 1 ~ misunderstanding ~

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Nate had spent the morning grinding coffee beans and experimenting with new blends in the kitchen of his coffee shop. It made him think of his best friend Hayden because they used to do this together on the weekends before Hayden had married his boss Dominic Gold.

They still saw each other of course but not as often because Hayden was not only very busy at the DSI (Department of Special Investigation) but also being newly married, he and Dominic were still in that honeymoon phase and inseparable. 

Dominic was the only son and heir of Gold Corporations whose head offices were in South Korea and also the Department Executive at the DSI. Nate had to smile when he thought of his loved up best friend then cringed when he remembered Dominic's cousin Sebastian, that guy was the worst.

He had pursued him relentlessly after meeting him, first at Hayden and Dom's engagement party then later at the wedding before continuing to flirt with him via email and text over the course of the following few months until Nate had to tell him in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested.

It wasn't that Sebastian was ugly, on the contrary he was very handsome, tall and rich but he was a rogue and a flirt not to mention he lived in South Korea and Nate didn't relish the idea of a long distance relationship.

Looking at the kitchen clock, Nate saw that it was 12.15pm, he would take a quick break then cover for his staff while they had their lunch so after sealing all the beans in airtight containers and packing them away, he went out front to grab a sandwich from the counter and a bottle of juice.

"I'm just going to eat this then I'll cover for you" he said to one of his staff.

"ok Nate" the staff member replied.

Nate smiled at them before walking through to the cafe and looking for somewhere quiet where he could sit and eat and as his eyes scanned the room his mouth fell open in shock. There was Hayden sitting opposite a pretty young girl and he was caressing her cheek as she smiled back lovingly.

What the hell was he playing at and why would he do that here? was it so he could use the coffee shop as an alibi, what the hell was he thinking?

Nate marched over to the table before banging his plate down loudly, 

"Hayden, what the hell is going on, who is this and where is Dominic?" Nate asked angrily.

"I'm sorry but I don't ..."

"don't what? how could you do this, you've only been married a few months, what about Dominic and why do it here? how could you"

"I don't know who you are but I'm not Hayden" the man said.

"is this some kind of a prank Hayden, do I need to call Dominic?" Nate said pulling his cell phone out of his pants pocket before his wrist was grabbed tightly.

"enough" the man growled while standing and Nate looked up, that voice didn't sound like Hayden after all.

Nate examined the man's face closely before noticing a small scar above his left brow then his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in horror.

"you're not Hayden!"

"you don't say" the man replied sarcastically.

"oh my gosh, I am so sorry sir, it's just that, oh my gosh" Nate didn't know what to say.

The man was the spitting image of his best friend but his voice was deeper, more commanding and Hayden didn't have any scars on his face, this was not only freaking him out but he had to do some damage control and quickly.

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