gyro x Johnny (and more)

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While Johnny and his companion gyro were galloping on their horses , they decided to settle somewhere near  a water source for the night, after they settled in and started the fire, gyro took out spaghetti from his bag {Haha Italian core} and started to cook the pasta while Johnny was helping to make the sauce {LET THEM COOK💯💯}

They ate straight from the pot (CAUSE REAL ALPHA MALES DON'T EAT FROM PLATES💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥) Anyway,  they both got a very long spaghetti (kinda like the lady and the tramp kiss yk?)and right as they were about to kiss gyro bit the spaghetti and says "I ain't a fag* (mhhhhhmmmm). Johnny answere "ah dam.." mocking disappointed .
They giggled together and as they calmed down they looked deeply into each other's blue and green orbs {Haha y/n core}
"Wanna have super bro totally not gay gay sex with me?"  Gyro bursted out .Johnny froze for a few seconds then nodded "sure" {now they do gey six}

As they both got butt booty naked , gyro dipped his finger in the sauce and used it as lubes,  Johnny blushed at the sight of gyro's gargantuous horse cock, embarrassed from his own dingaling {Haha joni small dicc}

After gyro adjusted himself , he thrusted slowly "you fell anything?" Gyro asked , Johnny replied "no, you can still keep going tho" disappointed "away dam" {I am listening to Chaabi rn)

Gyro started moving carefully to not RIP his booty hole,  as he still has PTSD of that time he accidentally ripped a girl's hole apart {me♡} , as he tincreast his pace , he tried his best to pleasure Johnny like idk pla6with his niples.

With Johnny gasping at every thrust bc of gyro's weight {fatass} but the , at one faightful thrust,  gyro hit one specific spot and boom Johnny could feel his legs again

"GYRO! I can feel my legs again!" "Wait seriously?!YEEEEEHAW!!! LESS GOOO !!!" "HORRAY!!" The two {naked}men embraced each other tightly.

Johnny pulled away from the hug and cups one of gyro's cheek (it's not gay they said no homo) and tells him "can you keep going?just to know how it feels , I'm not gay tho" gyro nods "aight" and then keeps on having super bro totally not gay gay sex.

-"where the bloody hell am I?"  Diego's blind ass said as he found himself near a closed tent and a still on going fire, as his gaze {wtf wattpad core} went to the lying horses on the ground "ey! those are those bloody bastards gyro and Johnny's horses" he thought to himself, as he slowly approached the tent "anybody in here?".He then heard muffled sighs and whimpers coming from the tent . He decided to peak through,  and his eyes widened as the hairs on his balls spiked up.

He barges in and gyro and Johnny looks up, startled "Male bonding innit?" Diego sighs "I'm bloody tired, mind if I join ya?" They both look at eachother, then back at Diego "aight" Johnny shrugs with a hint of skepticism.

In the cold night, in one specific tent, while three horses were sleeping near it , three men were keeping each other warm in the manliest way possible . Diego's guys were getting destroyed from the front and back {also Johnny now can walk so no more small numb pp} as he was giving gyro the gawk gawk 9000 , Johnny was getting settled to penetrate him , when he did he let put a sight of relief , "damn man , you're tight as homo . You probably never did this before" Johnny said , Diego then let got of gyro's cock and turned to him, "no, i did" he Britished . Diego then looks at gyro and asks "why does you cock tastes like tomato sauce? ". Gyro glances at Johnny then at Diego "we'll...a good shef never reveals his secrets." He shrugged. Diego shrugged "Italians, innit?"then went back to giving head.

       Diego is now pregnant of Johnny's baby and Johnny's pregnant of gyro's

         The end
------------------------------------------------------------------------------authors notes

Author number 1:tell backup author to stop calling me autistic
Author number 2: (she ain't available)
Backup Author: hah author 1 is autistic

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