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●It was a beautiful sunny day when dio decided to go to Jonathan's room to bother him , it started off as a small argument but soon , they started fighting. 

Dio won and tackled him on the bed  Jonathan fighting and squirming under his grasp (damn). Dio felt something forming inside him , more specifically,  inside his pants {bro got his first erection from his step brother}

Somehow, the sight of Jonabeing helpless under his grasp made him feel something foreign,  he has heard of gays before when he lived in the streets,  but he wasn't one , he liked girls , right?

Dio quickly got off of Jonathan and went strictly to his room , this wasn't like him , he never tought of liking men , even less Jonathan {Haha gay}
《What is wrong with him?》said Jonathan in disbelief

     Time skip after the mansion fight , Jonathan is getting his wounds treated

●《Really erina I'll be fine! You need rest!and I've been doing a lot better lately》 Jonathan stated 《but-》 《come on erina you need to sleep , I'm infinitely grateful for your help , but you need sleep too》 said Jonathan cutting off Erina 《oh , jojo , you always know how to convince me said Reina rubbing his cheek { face one not as one} 《see you tomorrow jojo!》 《See you tomorrow》

As Erina got out , Jonathan stared at the ceiling thinking about all the events that have occurred,  his father dying , his house {and dog} burning down , and dio , oh that pesky dio , he was the reason all of this happened,  but somehow he still forgave him

●After a while , he couldn't get himself to sleep , he felt watched , Erina was gone , Speedwagon wasn't here either, so what or who could be watching him at such hour

《Hello , jojo 》 said a tall figure coming from the window,  the voice sounded awfully familiar《D-dio!!?》 Exclaimed Jonathan taken aback from the bizarre encounter 《You're supposed to be dead!!!!!, 》

Dio laughed at Jonathan 《oh?so this is how you greet me huh Jonathan? You're truly hurting my feelings 》 Jonathan tried standing up but dio tackled him back on the bed 《look at you , all helpless and weak under my grasp,  just like the old times》dio said 《you bloody wench!》{...}Jonathan screamed 

《oh such brutal words coming from such a pretty mouth, I didn't know I would have such a bad influence on you》 《what do you want?!》《 what I want? Well.. 》 he grabbed Jonathan's hand and guided to his crotch {...} Jonathan's eyes widened as he felt Dio's aroused {brother is unfazed} buldge , as he realized it , he quickly took his hand off

《What is the meaning of this?!》 Said Jonathan speechless 《you still don't understand? I tought you were brighter than that》{ L+heathen+no damsels+get dueled+touch gold , you ought not show you visage here ever again you maidenless carot head}

He got closer to Jonathan's face , while he (j) turned his to not face Dio's piercing gaze 《I want you jojo,  I've come to realize that all the things I've done in the past wasn't to take over the joestar fortune,  but to take over you》
《me?...》《yes , all of that I did was to show you that people are lying to you and that they don't love you , you think father loved you? You think he did after he believed a stranger over you? his own son?,and erina , all she did was out of pity , matter of fact , she's probably seeing somebody else right as we are speaking》 dio said.

《no! You're wrong!!she wouldn't...》 Jonathan said as a tear peaked through his eyes 《impossible..》《but it is , face it jojo , I am the only truthful person here, unlike the other good for nothing lying scumbags, innit?》{Haha, innit}《no, I'm not falling for your lies again dio!》 as the words came out of his mouth like bullets, dio's smile faded 《what a shame , I hoped to make this a little easier but you always seem to take the rough path》《w-what are you doing?!》said Jonathan fearful from what dio was capable of 《you》 { AAAAAA THAT'S SO HOTTTT}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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