Chapter 2: Dual Threat Emerges

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In the midst of MacCadam's Old Oil House, Hivemus Prime reclined, relishing the serene atmosphere with an Energon drink in hand. His solace, however, was momentarily disrupted by the arrival of an old comrade, Smokescreen.

"Hey, Bee. How's my friend doing?" Smokescreen's voice echoed amidst the ambient hum of the establishment.

"I'm fine, Smokescreen. Just reliving some old moments at MacCadam's," Hivemus Prime replied, his optics gleaming with reminiscence.

Curiosity sparkled in Smokescreen's optics. "I heard you ventured to Earth. How are Raf, Jack, and Miko? Did they send their regards?"

"No, I didn't visit our old human friends in Jasper, Nevada. I found myself scouring California for spare parts in my vehicle form when I encountered someone new," Hivemus Prime divulged, a hint of intrigue lacing his voice.

"Ah, a new friend?" Smokescreen leaned in, eager for the tale.

"Yes, an 18-year-old human named Charlie Watson. She's quite amiable," Hivemus Prime remarked warmly.

Smokescreen's curiosity piqued further. "Did she freak out when she saw you in your true form?"

"A touch startled, perhaps. But I managed to make a friendly introduction and opted to remain in vehicle mode to avoid any unnecessary chaos," Hivemus Prime explained, a tinge of relief in his voice.

"Well, that's a relief," Smokescreen concluded with a nod, content with the assurance that their friend had navigated a potentially precarious encounter smoothly.

"So, how are you today?" Hivemus Prime's voice reverberated, resonating through the metallic corridor of MacCadam's.

"Pretty good," replied Smokescreen. "My conjunx-endura, Moonracer, has been taking care of me since I'm six months pregnant now with her child." he said as he gently rubbed his round pregnant tank. "We're still trying to come up with names for our child. If it's a girl, we've settled on 'Frostline,' after my deceased mother, who passed when I was born."

Hivemus Prime nodded thoughtfully. "And if it's a boy?"

"Either 'Flashblades' or 'Optimist Pax,' in honor of Optimus Prime," Smokescreen replied, his tone tinged with reverence for the legendary leader.

"Those are good name ideas," acknowledged Hivemus Prime warmly. "I can't wait to meet your child when they are born."

The conversation pivoted, encompassing familial ties and the shifting leadership within the Autobots and Decepticons. Smokescreen spoke of his adopted father, Megatron, and the anticipation surrounding his adopted grandchild. "Megatron considers my child to be his surrogate grandchild," he explained. "He hopes his biological son, Orion Eclipse, will start a family with Altair Comet soon."

"Speaking of Orion and Altair," interjected Hivemus Prime, "How are they doing now that they are leading the Autobots and Decepticons?"

"Altair has been leading the Autobots remarkably," Smokescreen replied. "She's been mentored by Queen Selene and her royal family at Paradron, learning the art of leadership. Orion Eclipse, however, is still adapting to his role as a Decepticon leader. Megatron occasionally visits Cybertron to train his son."

Hivemus Prime reflected, a hint of nostalgia coloring his words. "Seems like only yesterday when Optimus Prime led the Autobots and Megatron commanded the Decepticons before the Great War concluded."

At that moment, amidst the whispers of history and the promises of the future, the echoes of a bygone era resonated, a testament to the enduring legacy of leaders past and the dawn of new beginnings.

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