Chapter 31 - Border

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It was the same thing every day. The same trees, the same bushes, the same wind passing between the same trunks, the same wild pokemon in their nearby nests and burrows, it never changed. It was so-

"BORING!! Eugh!!"

A Floatzel had his arms crossed over his chest, one leg over the other as he stood leaning his back against the outside of the stone wall surrounding Moonshine, glaring out into the empty forest.

"This shit is so boring! Why do they even have us stand at this stupid gate?!"

Across from the Floatzel stood an old Lombre, content smile plastered on the old bones of his face. It was clear that he was a mon who'd lived a happy life, and still enjoyed nearly every minute that passed. He looked over to his complaining partner briefly, smile unwavering.

"The same reason they have security guards for clubs and other important places, to keep unwanted outside things from getting inside."

The Floatzel scoffed, turning his snout to the Lombre, entirely unamused. He wasn't in the mood for being loomed over and treated like a child, he just wanted to scream out in frustration.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, old geezer. Let's stand here day and night so a killer doesn't just waltz right in through the front entrance!! It's so stupid, there's so much more we could be doing to help!!"

The Floatzel's tails began to twist angrily as he huffed, grunting as his scowl grew even sharper. The Lombre watched as the young guard flailed his paws around in anger when speaking, unable to help chuckling at the display.

"Patience, Cody. Everything happens for a reason. The only reason going through the front entrance is a bad idea is because we're here. Besides, other mons still pass through."

The Lombre's voice was low, experienced and weathered, sounding very wise compared to the nasally, grumbly Floatzel. The weasel began to play with the ends of the floatie draped around its neck, kicking a rock on the ground as he tried to keep himself from yelling more.

"Yeah, like who? All there's been is that stupid Jolteon from over a month ago, and that other weirdo that showed up yesterday. Literally nobody comes here, mon!"

Cody continued to grumble, arms crossing even tighter over his chest as he sighed. He was filled with energy and irritation, but forced to stand in the same spot all day until it was too dark to find his way home and trade places with the night watch. The Lombre continued to stand his position with a gentle old smile on his face, gaze looking out into the forest. With silence building between them, the Floatzel continued speaking his thoughts.

"What's the deal with that Jolteon, anyway? The little freak's such a weirdo, still don't trust that overgrown Rattata.."

The Lombre still didn't respond, peacefully looking outwards with his claws held professionally behind his back. Cody began to feel awkward and self conscious being met with a wall of silence, turning his gaze over to the quiet old mon.

"I don't understand how you don't get bored out of your mind every day, Casper.. All we do is stand in the same spot, say the same things to the same usual visitors, looking at the same view of the same forest, day in and day out. Don't you ever get sick of it..?"

Cody was desperately trying to fill the silence, and to his relief, the Lombre finally responded, though his gaze was unmoving, still peacefully taking the vibrant greenery of the forest, painted a shade duller by the gloomy, cloudy sky.

"I've seen the sunset a million times, too, and yet I still gaze out my window every evening to watch the sun dip behind the trees. You'll find yourself much happier if you appreciate the smaller things in life. Perhaps you and your brother could find some use in that lesson."

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