Chapter 62 - Battle

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"How ya feelin' big guy? It's been a minute!"

Skye was cheerily chatting away, hovering just above the ground with slow flaps of her wings. Each downward push sent a gust of air in all directions, carrying a wave of sand with it. Each grain was painted pink by the light of the setting sun, swirling with colors only seen in paintings. Within the Flygon's arms, Tempest dangled, his legs floating helplessly beneath him.

"Been better.. but I've most certainly been worse. Just glad that everyone did okay while I wasn't there to help.."

Skye turned her long neck downward, taking a peek at the Jolteon with a smile on her face.

"Awh c'mon! We're all capable here! You don't need to cover our asses every time we're in trouble."

Though Skye couldn't see it, Tempest just rolled his eyes, scoffing as a grin formed on his face.

"Yeah, alright. I'll remember that next time you try to take on an entire squadron of flying types by yourself."

"Are you kidding?! They looked harmless! You can't pin that on me!"

"Yes I can! Not even you can deny that that was reckless!"

The two pokemon continued to bicker, each with a competitive smirk on their face as Skye continued to carry Tempest up the sandy hill just outside the northern entrance of the den. They tried not to dawdle too much, the rest of their friends waiting for them at the top.

Orenji and Aria had set up a small blanket to sit on, in attempt to save themselves the trouble of having to pick sand from their fur later that night before going to bed. Ash and Vanessa stood further off in the distance, the two of them talking quietly to each other as they waited for everyone to be present. Vanessa wore a nervous frown, and from afar, it looked like Ash was consoling her. His paws were on her shoulders as he wore a smile on his face, slouching down a little so the two of them were closer to eye level.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? You look worried.." Ash muttered, loud enough so that only Vanessa could hear it. The Vaporeon nodded her head, though the tension in her body very strongly contradicted her response.

"I-It's a bit late to go back now.. I-I'm just not good in front of crowds is all.."

Ash's smile melted, brow furrowing slightly. He couldn't say he didn't understand. He'd argue that he understood all too well, despite how little he came across as self conscious. He had to start somewhere, after all.

"Hey, you won't even notice them when you really get into it. You'll be focusing on me so much that it'll be like they aren't even there."

"Th-That's the other thing.." Vanessa said, fidgeting with her paws. "I-I don't want to hurt you.. I-I still feel bad enough about l-last time.."

Ash just rolled his eyes, which caught Vanessa off guard, almost making her mad.

"It's not like you're trying to kill me. Relax. All you're trying to do is hit me. You and I will end up with a few bruises at most. It's really not like a normal fight, where your life is on the line. This is just for fun. Just for us. Nothing else, nobody else."

Ash was hunched down, leaning forward so that he was right in Vanessa's face, the two siblings eye to eye.

"And if you get uncomfortable, we can always stop, okay?"

Silence grew between the two as they stared at each other, Ash waiting for any kind of response from his sister. After a few moments longer, the Vaporeon slowly nodded her head, bringing a paw up to her chest.

"R-Right.. okay.. I guess we'll see how it goes.."

It was about time to start. Skye and Tempest had finally joined up with Aria and Orenji, the four of them all sitting together. They watched as Ash and Vanessa finally paced themselves apart, just in time for the whole group to show up.

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