Chapter 02: Date Preparation With The Lost Boys

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– Wendy –

We reach the thrift store in a blur that passes by in a breathless rush, before I find myself being shepherded through the store's smudgy glass door.

In a daze, the boys file in behind me as I reach towards the differing fabrics, searching for a comforting tactile experience as I try to calm my breathing. The bright fluorescent lights above flicker occasionally, doing nothing to divert this odd out of body experience.

The world comes rushing back into focus as my fingers brush a familiar fabric. As though it will disappear, I carefully extract the waist length jacket from its tightly wedged space between the fluffy overcoat and the cool leather jacket that were nearly hiding it from view.

In my hands I hold a small, patchwork jacket that bears a startling resemblance to Marko's. As if the jacket summoned him, he pops up behind me with an excited tilt to his posture as he examines the new jacket with a surprised, "Hey, Winnie, good find! This looks like a smaller version of mine!" he continued, grasping at my shoulders and pulling me close, "Think about it! If we have cool matching jackets no one will want to mess with you because they'll know your mine." Pressing a quick, cold kiss to my cheek as Paul called leaning over the aisle next to us,

"Not yours, ours."

Marko offers a smile at his 'accidental' slip up and returns his attention to me after chirping a,
"Sure, Paulie!" he continues, his excitement clearly showing as he moves behind me, gently pulling my arms out of my jean jacket before tossing it in Paul's general direction.

I stifle a laugh as I see Paul get hit square in the face with the heavy jacket, causing him to splutter indignantly, although he is promptly cut off as Marko pulls the patchwork jacket over my shoulders and carefully smoothes the collar down around my neck, turning me to face the taller blond when he finishes.

"What do you think, Paul? We make quite the pair now, huh?"

"Looks like there's a new terror twin in town," I say with mock sadness, a hand laying delicately across my breast bone, "And I'm sorry, Paul, but it seems I've just replaced you."

Marko crows a loud laugh in my ear, seeming to agree, as Paul slings my jean jacket over his shoulder, adjusting the box of books and giving a sarcastic, "Well, it looks like I'm no longer needed here," before walking off to presumably heckle the cashier.

Quieting his voice to whisper, Marko says, "It would make me feel better if you had this with you on your date, like I'm watching over you," he pauses, grin widening, "You know, making sure you don't make a fool of yourself."

With a sigh I say, "It's not nice to eavesdrop on people's private thoughts, Marko."

"I was hardly eavesdropping, your anxiety was practically screaming. But I did mean it when I said I wanted to be there to cheer you on during your first date. Will you let me?"

I offer a small smile in return and say, "Sure! But only 'cause this jacket is warmer than my old one."

"I'll take it!" Marko quips.

With the near-silent swish of his leather coat, David appears in front of us as he takes in my new jacket with an approving tilt to his chin.

"Looks good, Wendy. Certainly suits you. But if you're going to buy a new jacket you might as well also buy some new boots," he says gesturing towards my feet.

"Those are, what, at least a size too small? Not to mention, the soles are starting to peel away."

No sooner had David finished this observation, had Dwayne shown up, silently handing me a pair of vibrant floral print combat boots, his face taking on a soft smile as he saw my awed expression.
Since there are no seating areas nearby, I toe off my old boots after unlacing them and carefully slip the new combat boots on over my plain white socks.

Wendy and Her Lost Boys -- The Lost Boys 1987Where stories live. Discover now