Chapter 20: The Werewolf's Guide to All Things Silver and Deadly

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– Wendy –

This journal is a recorded account of everything our family has learned about our condition over the last three hundred years. Living amongst humans and hunters has caused some of our ancestors to experiment on werewolves.

Learning the boundaries of their weaknesses and testing limits that can be surpassed. At best, these experiments focused on the gathering of scientific data. At worst, they devolved to torture.

It is my hope that future wolves reading this journal will know I did my best to protect myself and my siblings in the midst of the abuse we suffered at the hands of our pack elders. I think they started this with the best of intentions; but a twisted sense of curiosity led them down a path they couldn't come back from.

I've taken the journal. With the arrival of a new werewolf pack in town, I have no idea what our elders plan to do next. Whichever actions they take, I won't let them further cloud their judgment with the experiments in this journal. I'll do what I can to make sure we're safe.

Hide this book, Ellie. They'll come looking for it soon. I don't know if I'll have the strength to protect both you and Cody. If something happens, promise me that you'll get Cody out, that you'll get yourself out. I never wanted this for us.

I'm sorry,



The Guidebook to Lycanthropy

Bitten or Born: How to Control Your Inner Beast

Avoiding Contact with Wolfsbane and Silver

Touching a silver blade to a werewolves skin will cause a severe blistering burn to appear. This can be healed over time. A small knick of a silver blade can also be healed. However, if silver is introduced to any major arteries, allowing easy passage throughout a werewolves' central nervous system, it will prove deadly.

The same cannot be said of the plant Wolfsbane. In the common tongue it is referred to as Monkshood. Do not let this misnomer lull you into a false sense of security. This plant has proven far more deadly than anything silver can do to a werewolf. Wolfsbane can be introduced into a werewolves system one of two ways.

The first way the poison can be introduced is through ingestion. Taken in small doses over the course of a few days, the poison will slowly build up in the system and take away the afflicted wolf's power. This starts gradually with a less heightened sense of smell, lower visibility, and dulled hearing. As the poison begins to take root, the host will find themselves feeling their bodies shutting down.

Soon, they will not be able to control their transformations. At such times, their bodies will appear somewhere between half-human and half-wolf as they try to fight to poison.

Next, they will lose all sense of their surroundings. Without their sense of smell, vision, hearing, or strength, they will only be a few moments away from their hearts giving out under the strain of the poison.

If the poison is introduced at minute levels into the werewolves system over a long period of time, there is a higher possibility that they will not know they were poisoned until it is far too late.

It is risky to poison other wolves, but the process of such matters must be discovered for the greater survival of the species. To know the signs in all their stages is to prevent mass casualties in the future warfare between hunters and wolves. Who's to say the lives of the pups were lost in vain when they provided such scientific data for the rest of our kind?

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