Chapter 1

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Jolting awake from a loud crash downstairs I immediately throw my covers off and prepare myself for the worst. My body aches as I fling myself off my mattress that lays on the ground and stand on shaky legs.

I wait, but hear no footsteps coming up the stairs towards my room. Further noises heard downstairs lead me to believe the banging I hear must be my father rummaging for something in the kitchen. Probably a beer.

It's 9 a.m.

At this point I'm already awake and on high alert so I might as well get ready for my shift at the cafe that starts in an hour.

I head to the bathroom closest to my room, checking the hallway before I make the journey.

I make my way to the bathroom with light steps and avoid looking at myself in the mirror. I splash water on my face and reach for my cosmetic bag.

The only products I own are a variety of foundations, concealers, and powders that I use every morning to attempt to cover up the various bruises on my body.

I quickly dab on the products, blending them in with my fingers the best I can. Then I throw on an old sweater to cover up the marks up and down my arms.

Once my jeans are on I lace up my beat up converse and lean my ear against the door, listening for any sign of father.

Once I deem the cost clear I slowly open the door and make my way down the stairs. I peer over towards the family room, seeing father passed out on the couch already.

I let out a sigh of relief knowing I won't have to face him this morning. I don't think I could take any more of his anger after last night.

I head out of the door, carefully closing it so I don't wake him and begin my walk.

I usually enjoy the walk even if it is long to get to the cafe. It gives me time to think and I find it peaceful. However, as winter is approaching it's harder to enjoy it when i'm freezing cold.

Father has never provided me with any winter clothes and with most of my paycheck going right back to him I have to save up as much as I can for food.

Another thing he doesn't provide for me.

I wrap my arms around my frail body hoping to find some comfort and warmth but it doesn't work very well.

By the time I make it to the cafe my hands and face are nearly numb and I'm shaking.

I quickly throw on my apron, fumbling with the strings to tie it. I've barely just gotten it tied when Jessica, my coworker, sees me.

"Finally you're here. Take over the register I'm tired of doing it." She orders me.

I obediently listen even though register is my least favorite part of working here. I don't like talking to strangers very much and would prefer making the coffees or baking muffins in the back.

It's okay. I can do it.

I take my place at the register, rubbing my hands together for warmth, still getting acquainted with the heat of the cafe as my limbs burned with the quick temperature change.

The first hour goes okay, not too many customers and not having to interact too much.

I fiddle with the ring on my thumb. Mamas ring. I miss her so much.

"Excuse me little lady," a deep voice brings my attention back to a large man looming right over me.

His hair is unkempt and he has a wicked grin on his face making me feel uneasy. I quickly avert my eyes from his.

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