Chapter 2

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After I got home from work that day I found father, still passed out on the couch.

My whole walk home I found myself replaying the conversation with the man, Lorenzo. Such a pretty name.

I couldn't decipher what his motives were. One second his voice was angry and scary, the next it was soft and kind.

All I knew for sure is that he is a man, a huge man. I wasn't supposed to talk to men, especially ones that towered over me and had tattoos up and down their arms. His screamed danger. He could hurt me, badly.

I thought back to my rambling and staring and cursed myself.  What was I thinking? I was lucky he didn't punish me for how disrespectful I had been.

Once I made it up to my room, trying my hardest to make no sound, I peeled off my uniform and put on a big sweatshirt. It engulfed me and still had lingering smells of pine.

I had found it in the lost and found bin at work and after a month, it became mine.

I felt a little guilty taking it, but no one had come to claim it and it got so cold in father's house at night. I had nothing to keep me warm but a small scratchy blanket that barely covered my body.

I collapsed onto my mattress, no sooner letting sleep take me away.


I jolted awake from my nightmare, slick sweat covering my body. I was still shaking from the horrible dream.

They were usually the same, my dreams. Compilations of beatings from my father, him telling me how everything was my fault. How mother's death was my fault.

The words usually hurt more than the beatings. In the beginning, when she first died and father started punishing me, I tried to block out his words. I couldn't believe that I had killed mother, as he said.

But why would he say it if it wasn't true? Why would he say it over and over. He had so much anger, which I understood. I had killed his wife.

A single tear slid down my cheek and I whimpered. I had stopped shaking, now I just felt numb. I was so tired.

I mechanically got up, having to get ready for work again.

Once I was all ready, I put my ear against the door, listening for father. When I didn't hear anything, I carefully opened the door. I took each step slowly not wanting to alert him to my presence if he was home.

I just made it to the end of the stairs when- "where the hell do you think you're going bitch?"

Oh no. Please please not today.

"Answer me!" He roared.

"T-to w-work," I whispered softly, keeping my head low.

"You're lying! You're a lying bitch. Your mother would be so disappointed in you if she was still around. If you didn't kill her!"

Tears were free flowing down my face now. I hated when he did this, i would rather be beaten in silence than yelled at like this.

"I'm s-sorry, i-i'm s-so sorry." i begged.

"Don't apologize to me! Don't even speak whore." He stood over me as I shook. "Show me some respect!"

I kneeled to the ground, as he always wanted me to when he was mad. He said that it was a sign of respect, to beg for forgiveness.

I balanced myself over my legs, knees digging into the ground, head lowered. My palms laid flat on my thighs.

I knew it was coming before he even raised his hand. The sharp slap of his hand on my cheek. I whimpered at the stinging pain. Another slap came, harder this time, giving me no chance to recover from the last one.

He continued to yell at me but I blocked out his voice, only hearing the ringing in my ears.

A kick to my stomach came making me fall to the ground from my kneeling position. I curled up, bracing for more, but there was only silence.

When I finally dared to peek out from under my disheveled hair, he was gone.

I stayed there on the ground, shaking. The tears had finally stopped flowing and I was left there feeling empty and alone. The exhaustion finally took over and I passed out there, curled into a ball.

I would not go to work today.


Thanks for reading the second chapter! This was a hard one to write, poor nora :(

Next chapter will be longer and we will get to see Lorenzo again... yayaya

Another update coming soon! Be sure to save this story and like or comment if you want! I really love reading people's comments so it would mean so much to me to hear from you guys:)

His Little Angel Nora Where stories live. Discover now