Chapter 4

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I didn't see the man again for a week and despite my fear surrounding him and how he made me feel, I couldn't help but miss him.

I wasn't sure how that was even possible. I barely knew him and only spoken to him twice and yet I craved the odd attention he gave me. Usually men's attention was always negative and lead to awful things happening to me, but his was different.

Walking back from work now I dreaded coming home to father. The evenings were usually the worst, when he had time to consume too much alcohol and was usually bound to me waiting for me.

When I walked into his home I immediately knew it was going to be a bad night. I wasn't sure how but the pit in my stomach ate at me as I took my shoes off by the door, awaiting the horror to come.

"Finally your home, jesus christ. It took you long enough." He was in the other room yelling at me, his words slurred and vile.

"I'm s-sorry father." I kept my head low as I walked into the family room where he sat sprawled on the couch.

"Whatever bitch. I'm out of whiskey, go down to Midnights and get me a bottle of the good shit."

Oh no. Midnights was the nightclub close to us in town. He frequently went there with his friends, sometimes making me pick them up and other times making me get him alcohol from there.

I hated going to Midnights. It was always crowded and stuffy. The men would leer and grab at me in a way that made me feel sick to my stomach.

The first time he sent me there to get him alcohol, they rejected me right at the door, since I was obviously too young. I clearly looked like a 19 year old girl. When i got home after that he was furious, beating me until I passed out.

After that, he made me dress up in small tight clothing, telling me that they would let me in if i looked hotter. "Dress like the whore you are" he had said.

It worked.

I still remember the feel of hands all over me, of men's hot breath on my neck and how gross I felt after.

I really didn't want to go back there, but I knew it would be worse to stay here and tell my father no.

"Go change slut." He barked pushing me back, making me stumble.

I quickly regained my balance and started up the stairs. I changed into a short black slip dress that cut low, lace adorning the top and bottom.

I took a moment to look in the mirror, pulling my hair out of the braid it was in and running my fingers through the waves. The dress put all the scratches and bruises littering my arms on full display, but no one would pay close attention to that.

I hated the way the dress fit me, exposing all my curves and leaving nothing to the imagination. I especially hated it knowing the treatment it would bring out of men.

I tore my eyes away, not wanting to dread on my fear and insecurities.

The walk was long and cold. When I finally made it to the club I was shaking from the brisk air and nervousness of going in.

The big man at the door let me in without a second thought, not asking for an ID or anything. As I made my way to the bar I could feel several pairs of eyes on me making the hair on my arms stand up.

Walking through the crowd I heard whistles and felt hands grazing my body. I quickened my pace until I finally reached the bar, my head just barely being able to pear over the tall wooden deck.

The club was crowded and busy so I waited for one of the few bartenders to come attend to me. I kept my head low and peeled at the skin around my fingers. I was anxious and desperately wanted to be out of the building, away from all these people and their attention.

"Hey, you." A deep manly voice caught my attention. While I heard it, I had found in the past it wasn't a good idea to look at anyone here so I kept my head down. They would usually take eye contact or engagement as permission to do whatever they pleased to me.

"Hey! I'm talking to you little girl." He spoke again, getting closer, now right next to me. His hand was suddenly on me, grabbing at my waist.

I recoiled at the touch, looking up to find a middle aged man with dark hair and a full beard. "H-hi." I squeaked out, not wanting to engage but not wanting to be rude and anger him.

"What's a pretty young thing like you doing here, huh?" His breath was hot on me and smelled like liquor.

I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he only held tighter, too tight.

"J-just grabbing s-something." My eyes shifted all over, anywhere except for on him.

"Why don't you come over here with me baby." He tugged at me and I struggled to fight back, his hand large and strong on me.

"I-i can't. I m-mean no t-thank you." I was starting to panicked. He was managing to almost lift my body with his one hand, pulling me away from the bar and further into the club.

"Stop fucking fighting. Come on, let me introduce you to some of my friends doll."

My eyes were starting to well with tears. I felt helpless and exposed.

He brought me to a rounded table with a handful of other men matching his intimidating look. They all leered at me and the man pushed me in front of him, showing me off like an item.

A chorus of comments sounded out. "Damn" "Look at this little thing" "Where'd you find her" "I call first turn with her"

"Back off, she's all mine first. You'll have to wait your turn." The man with his hand still on me spit. He was pushing me closer to the table and the hands grabbing out at me.

"N-no, s-sorry i really h-have to g-go." I was shaking and the tears in my eyes threatened to spill over. I made an attempt to get out of the grasping hands but once again they only tightened.

The hands on my waist slipped lower and ones on my wrists tightened, threatening to bruise my skin.

"p-please l-let g-go." i begged, although i knew it would do nothing.

"Don't be a bitch." One of them slurred.


"Get your fucking hands off of her." Another voice came, booming over the music and ringing in my ears.

The hands on me were suddenly ripped away and I was gently scooped away behind a large figure. I was engulfed in the warm smell of pine and I leaned towards the calming scent.

"Touch her, talk to her, or even fucking look at her again and I will destroy you." The deep voice boomed.

Wait- I knew that voice. It had ringed through my brain for the last week on repeat. He was here- Lorenzo was here.

I could no longer see the table of men from behind Lorenzo where I hid. I couldn't see anything except for his large back.

The music was blaring and I could still feel the touch of hands groping at me. My head spun as I took a step back from Lorenzo. I could hear him saying something else to the table of men but couldn't make out the words anymore. My eyes struggled to stay open as I let the fear finally overtake me.

My stumbling was stopped by hands holding onto my shoulders.

"Nora," I heard through the ringing. "Nora, hey hey, you're okay. Stay with me." His comforting voice, deep and dark and somehow still soft, broke through my walls.

"Lorenzo," I muttered, barely being able to fight the light headed feeling overtaking me.

"I'm here baby." His hand moved to my back, rubbing circles. I welcomed the comfort from him and finally gave in to the darkness, my body going limp.

"Nora!" Gentle hands scooped me up. "Fuck," was the last thing I heard.

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