Chapter 13

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Holly woke up with the sun shining on her. She got out of bed and dressed before heading to the kitchen for cereal. She grabbed a bowl, picked out some cereal, and poured it into her bowl. She grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured it into her cereal. Holly grabbed her spoon and sat down at the table to eat. After eating breakfast, she rinsed her bowl and put it in the dishwasher. Holly then went to see Shivers and to say hi.

"Hi, Shivers."

"Hello, Holly. How are you?"

"I am doing good this morning. How are you?" She asked Shivers the snowman.

"Well, I am doing fine. What are you up to today?" Shivers asked Holly.

"Not much. Just going to go see the reindeer."

"That is good. Do you want me to go with you?"

"Yes please."


Shivers and Holly went to see the reindeer to check in on them. Holly walked towards them with grace.

"How are you all doing?" Holly asked the reindeer.

"I'm doing good." Shenandoah the reindeer spoke.

"We are also doing good as well." Umber and Willow spoke.

"That is good to hear. Have you figured out what was in the West?"

"I think so. It was a pack of wolves."

"Wow, that is not good. They like to take over the place."

"Well, we scared them off."

"That is good. I hope they don't cause any more trouble."

"They won't, not for a while."

Holly smiled at her reindeer friends and brought them a treat. Holly had found some reindeer moss to feed them. She found a good snack to eat with the reindeer as she was a little hungry, so Shivers ensured no one hurt Holly. Shivers was a good friend to Holly and Yuki the snowshoe rabbit. She walked over to each reindeer to give them pets and hugs. She even gave them each a little kiss as she loved them. She took pictures with them so she could show her children someday.

Willow told Holly another story about Shalaron's Rest. Holly listened to the story and she was enjoying it. She often thought about making her own story but didn't know where to begin. She was going to start from the first day she got here. Yuki was going to help her with her book. She couldn't wait to start writing so she grabbed some paper and a pen and started to write. After writing the first chapter, Holly was excited about it. She couldn't wait to finish it and get it published. Holly smiled at the thought of it.

Yuki also cried.

Holly looked at Yuki and asked if everything was okay.

"Yes, everything is okay," Yuki spoke softly.

"I was just ensuring that," Holly replied to Yuki.

"Yeah, I thank you for that. If I ever have a problem I will come to you."

Holly wanted to dance for a while and so she started to dance. She even practiced a dance routine for Christmas. She thought it was a good time to practice as it would be perfect weather to dance in.

Yuki agreed that it was perfect weather and it was not raining. Holly smiled at Shivers the snowman. She loved dancing.

Yuki and Holly were quite amazed at all of the friends they had made. She looked like she knew more about the place than most. Yuki and Shivers taught her about magic. They knew about portals and things they didn't want Holly to know. So after a while, Holly was getting tired and went to bed. 

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