Chapter 17

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After getting in the sleigh, Holly was ready to go. The elves had hitched the reindeer to the sleigh and loaded the presents. She sat and watched until it was time for takeoff. She looked at the countdown clock and saw how long it was until it was liftoff time. Santa was getting his coat and was heading to the sleigh. He kissed Mrs. Claus before getting in the sleigh. He gave the reindeer the signal that it was clear for takeoff. Holly was excited to see the reindeer fly with some magic. She was getting excited for the flight back home to Belport. She already had the presents for her sisters and her mom. Santa said his magic words for liftoff and the sleigh was up in the air. Holly and Santa talked along the way and enjoyed talking about their adventures. Santa stopped at the first place and went down the chimney and put the presents under the tree and some in the stockings. After putting the presents under the tree, Santa used his magic to go up the chimney and back onto the sleigh before going to the next stop.

Santa repeated this process many times until it was time to go to the last stop which was Holly's house. Holly went with Santa down the chimney to deliver presents. She helped put the presents under the tree for her sisters and her mom. She then gave Santa a hug goodbye before he went up the chimney. Holly then went to her room quietly and got in bed. She fell fast asleep as she had a long night.

The next morning, Eliana, Cecilia, and Magnolia woke up and went downstairs to look under the tree. They knew Santa had come and had brought presents. Holly was still sleeping as she was tired. Her sisters were so excited that they went to their mom and dad's room to get them up.

"Mom, Dad wake up," Cecilia said in a loud and excited voice.

Avery and Noah both woke up and got out of bed. The girls rushed to the living room where the tree was and saw all the presents underneath. Holly then started to wake up a little bit after a long nap. She couldn't wait to see her sisters and her mom as she missed them. So it was time to open presents and their stockings, Magnolia went first as she was the oldest sibling. Magnolia opened her stocking and grabbed the gifts that were in it. She smiled at the gifts.

Magnolia then looked under the tree for any presents with her name on them and started to open them. She opened the first gift and started crying. She had gotten something for the baby that she was carrying. Then she continued to open all her presents one by one. She opened the last one and read it was from Holly. She cried when she saw it. She wanted to give Holly a huge hug as that gift was the best gift ever.

Next to open presents was Cecilia as she was the next oldest. She grabbed her presents and did the same thing. She opened each one and cried as she saw the last present as it was from Holly. She knew she had given the best gifts ever. She has never gotten a bad gift or present from her. She had hoped that Holly was enjoying herself wherever she may be. She thought to herself quietly.

Eliana was to open her presents next and grabbed the first present with her name on it. She started to unwrap it and looked at the tag. She smiled at the thought that Holly was the one who had brought it for Eliana. She couldn't wait to hug her. She misses those sisterly hugs and kisses along with everything else, It was just nice that Holly had found the gift for her. She smiled and just took it all in that she was home at last.

Avery had watched her daughters open their presents and cried when they saw each one. She was so thankful for each of her daughters. She thought that Holly would never come home but that was not the case as their wish had come true. Holly came out to the living room and surprised them. She walked to her sisters and gave them a giant bear hug and kisses. She was just as shocked when she saw her mom Avery cry for the first time.

"Mom, Why are you crying?" Magnolia asked Avery.

"Your sister Holly came back home." Avery their mom said to her.

" I know, Mom."

"She was the one who brought us these presents and they are very beautiful."

"Yeah, We love them very much, Holly."

"You are very welcome."

Holly ran up to her mom and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was going to give Avery the present that she brought for her.

Avery opened her presents smiled at Holly and thanked her. She owed her a lot of love and attention.

Noah started screaming and yelling at Holly. Holly didn't know what to do as she was scared of him. She had to stay close to her sisters for protection from her dad, Noah.

After Noah yelled at Holly and gave her a punishment of being grounded and hitting her. Holly started crying and knew that she wanted Noah to leave.

She had told Avery to leave him and to kick him out. which she did as she wasn't going to have any of that going on. He kept hitting Holly until it was too late. Avery called the police to come and get him. The police came and took him away. The girls were now safe from him and so was Avery. She was going to get some divorce papers and everything. She had to do it for the girls and their safety.

Holly was quite proud of her mother Avery and knew it wasn't easy to do what she just did. She was quite the brave one. She did it because she loved her daughters and she knew she had to protect them. She hoped to recover from Noah and to heal. Holly will heal as well from him, It will just take some time. 

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