Chapter 14

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Yuki had woken up and gotten some food to eat. She had brought some to Holly as well. She knew that Holly would be hungry and thirsty as well. They were going to see Chilalea again today. So they had to make sure they were ready as they were going to be playing outside.

Meanwhile, back in Belport, Avery and Noah were both worried about Holly and wondered if She would ever come back. They figured Holly wouldn't return home so they forgot about her and moved on.

Eliana, Cecilia, and Magnolia were trying hard in school and to keep busy. It wasn't easy but they managed. Noah kept busy at work and so did Avery. They also were trying to keep busy and not think about losing Holly.

Back in Shalaron's Rest, Holly, Shivers, and Yuki were playing in the snow and having a wonderful time when she noticed something in the near distance. She couldn't believe with her eyes what they had seen. Yuki was quite frightened as well and she hid in Holly's jacket. Holly kept Yuki close to her and protected her. She had to run as fast as she could to get somewhere safe. Once she got somewhere safe, She had Shivers keep an eye out.

"What should we do?"

"Hmm, I don't know, but probably just stay here until the snow dragon can rescue us."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"So, Holly, what do you want to do in the meantime?"

"Could we play a little game?"

"Yeah, we can play a game. What game do you want to play?"

"How about we play, Simon says?"

"Yeah, we can play that game."

Holly, Shivers, and Yuki played a game or two and waited for Chilalea to rescue them. They were looking for more fun and things to do while we waited for her. A little while later, Chilalea came and rescued them and brought them to safety. They thanked her and gave her some wishes. Holly gave her some luck from her powers that she has. She didn't know how it would work on a snow dragon. So she gave it a try. She put her hands on the snow dragon and sent the wishes to her. A few minutes later, Holly was finished, The snow dragon was glowing. Yuki was surprised at Holly and her use of magic. She would never use them for evil. Her teacher who taught her about magic was quite talented and special.

Holly was a special kind of girl who knew about animals and could understand them. She was the one who could talk to them and they would talk to her back. Yuki was also an extraordinary friend to Holly and one she trusted. She didn't trust people with weak hearts or with bad intentions.

She wasn't like that. She knew only good things come to good people and animals. Yuki hugged Holly and told her that it was all right and she was safe now. Shivers was one to ensure that Holly was well taken care of and keep her safe.

Holly and Yuki loved the snow and were playing in it. They started to make some more snow angels and snow castles. Yuki smiled at Holly and gave her cuddles when she needed them. Shivers kept watch over them as the guard to the castle. He made sure no one passed through unless they had good intentions.

Yuki's fur was so soft and cuddly that Holly wanted her pet rabbit or bunny. She found one and gave it a name. She made sure it got food, water, and a place to sleep. She was quite the animal lover as she was raised to not hurt them. She even played with her bunny and introduced her bunny to Yuki.

"How do you like it here?"

"I love it here but I miss my sisters the most."

"Do you want to go see them?" Yuki asked Holly.

"If there was a way then yes."

"Well, I will have to ask Santa if he can take you."

"Sounds good."

"Maybe on Christmas Eve when he delivers presents you can ride on his sleigh."

"Yeah, just like the reindeer."

"I bet they will miss you as well."

"Yeah, I can just picture it. Your parents crying when they see you."

"Your sisters will give you hugs for sure."

"Yeah, maybe I can bring them here so they can meet Shivers, Chilalea, and you Yuki."

"Don't forget about the reindeer as well. They have been like family as well."

"Yeah, I definitely can't forget the reindeer. They have been very good friends to me."

Holly went to think about her sisters back in Belport. She misses them so much and couldn't wait for them to open the presents that I bought for them. Holly found a perfect gift for her mom Avery. She can't wait to give it to her.

Back in Belport, Avery was working a shift at the hospital when she was getting a text from Magnolia.

Avery had texted her back and sent it to her.

"Do you think Holly is going to come back?" Magnolia asked Avery.

"I have a feeling she might be on her terms." She replied with a ray of hope.

"True, I miss her a lot." Magnolia cried with tears in her eyes.

"I miss her too. She definitely will get a talking to when she returns."

"Is Dad mad at Holly for running away?"

"Yes, He is.

" Why did she run away?"

"I don't know why."

"Maybe she had a reason for running?"

"Could be. Holly knows not to run away."

"True. I just don't understand why though."

"I think it's because she is scared of getting hurt by dad."

"Maybe but we just have to wait and see."

Magnolia went to her room and went to write in her journal before going to bed along with her other sisters.

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