Chapter 18

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The next day, Holly and the girls woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. Holly had so many bad dreams and nightmares that she couldn't sleep at all. She hoped that Yuki and Shivers were doing okay. After a while, the girls started playing with their gifts and were happy for once. Avery was going to find something to help Holly with these bad dreams and nightmares that she as been having. She looked around and saw her sisters playing and laughing.

"Did you like your gifts?" Holly asked her three sisters.

"Yes, we do Holly," Eliana said to Holly in reply.

"Thank you, Holly," Magnolia spoke to her.

"You are very welcome," Holly told them.

Magnolia, Cecilia and Eliana all were playing with their dolls in the playroom. Holly went to join them and see if she could show them some new dances she has learned. Holly got up to show her sisters some new dance moves. Her sisters starting dancing with Holly and were having a ball. They even laughed and told stories while they danced. Holly told them about Yuki, Shivers, Chilalea and the reindeer.

"When can we meet Yuki, Shivers and Chilalea?"

"Well, I can take you there if you want?"

"We can all go there and have some fun in the snow."

"Yay." Cecilia said with a cheer.

The girls were getting excited to see some snow as they had never seen it before. Avery and the girls went to the mall. Holly knew where to go to find the magic portal to the Shalaron's Rest. They were in their winter jackets and boots and pants. Holly couldn't wait to see Yuki again along with her other friends. Once they arrived through the portal, Holly led them to where Yuki the snow rabbit was. She was going to introduce her to them and show them around.

Avery and the girls then lay in the snow and made snow angels and then made snow castles. Shivers then came to where Holly is and said "Hello, again."

"I missed you, Shivers."

"We missed you too." Shivers spoke to Holly.

"How have you been?" Yuki asked him.

"I've been good. My sisters and my mom loved their presents."

"That is good to hear. I hope that they enjoy them."

"They will for sure."

"Did you bring them with you?"

"Yes I did. Let me introduce you to them."

"The oldest sister is Magnolia and she is quite amazing." She told them.

"Wow, Holly you look just like your sister."

"Well, thanks. I get that a lot. The next sister is Cecilia and she is 10 years old. She is one who loves to dance as well."

"Well, You have taught her well then."

"I guess you could say that."

"Next, we have Eliana and she is the youngest as she is 4 years old."

"What does she like to do?"

"She likes to swing and she likes to play dolls."

"She is quite an angel then."

"Yeah, she is. My mom Avery raised us quite well. She did the best she could."

"What happened to your dad?" He asked.

"He got put in jail and is not going to hurt anyone anymore," Holly spoke.

"Mom and dad got divorced and she is so much happier now."

"I bet. She went through so much with him."

"Yes, she did. It wasn't easy but she did it anyway."

Holly and the girls started playing in the snow when Holly saw Chilalea coming towards her. Holly introduced Chilalea to her sisters and her mother Avery.

"Hi, Holly." Chilalea spoke in a friendly voice.

"I missed you."

"We missed you as well, Holly."

"I brought my mom and sisters to play in the snow and to meet everyone."

"Good idea. They will love that."

"Yeah, Anything new going on?"

"Not much, Just been doing dragon duties," Chilalea spoke to Holly.

"That's good to hear."

She smiled.

Holly and her sisters were playing in the snow and throwing snowballs. Avery joined in on the fun as well. She started making snowballs and throwing them at the girls. Yuki and Shivers got in on the fun as well. Eliana was quite a good snowball maker. She was taught by Holly to make them quite well.

It was about lunchtime when they were getting hungry and heard their bellies growling. Holly showed them the best place to find food.

Holly cheered.

They all cheered as they were having so much fun in Shalaron. Avery smiled at her daughters having a good time in the snow. She has never seen them this happy before. She had made a promise to make sure that no one hurt them.

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