Chapter 7

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Shawn's POV

After we got to school we went our separate ways and I saw Taylor's friends. They were all laughing at me I asked them what was so funny and they said that you believe Taylor actually loved and that it was all a joke. I started to cry I ran into the bathroom lock myself in a stall and balled my eyes out. I hate him all he wanted a good fuck to mess with my feeling. I cleaned myself up and I went to my next class. I didn't want to see him again.

During 3rd period some blonde slut with short shorts that kinda looked like the girl from 5Guys said "Are you Shawn?" "Yes who the fuck are you." I said with the intention of being rude. "The girlfriend of Taylor so can you drop the attitude and stop sleeping with my boyfriend it was a dare he never liked you or loved you." I wanted to punch her right in the fucking face now I really never wanted to see Taylor again and if I did he would get a piece of my mind.

Taylor saw me and came up to me, I started to cry remembering what had taken place earlier. He asked what's wrong but I didn't give him an answer but I gave him a fuck you "I don't know what I did wrong." He said probably playing dumb. "Was it just a joke or was it real Taylor?" Still playing dumb he said "What." "So it was I'm just hung up on someone who doesn't give a fuck about me who played with my feelings who said he loved me but it was just a joke" I said sobbing now. Then I  said "And I had to find out from your friends and your own girlfriend God Taylor I don't want to waste my life on someone who doesn't care I'm done we're done this is over Tay I'm sorry." "Who said that and who's the bitch that said she was my girlfriend" he said getting angry. "Figure it out Taylor" and with that I left. I ran I didn't know where I was going. My vision became blurry cause of all the tears and Taylor kept calling my name. I didn't listen I heard the honking of a horn and everything went black. 

I woke up in a white room with wires attached to my body and Taylor in a chair next to me sleeping. I groaned my head really hurt and Taylor woke up. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he had been crying. Maybe he does love me and they were just lying to me. I starred into his eye as did he with mine he got up from where he was sitting and kissed me I miss his lips. He cupped my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck the best I could. I deepened the kiss it was passionate I couldn't help but pull him closer I started tugging on his shirt. He pulled away I frowned. "Doctor said no physical activities for 3 months" Taylor said. "Screw the doctor I want you, I wanna ride you all night long, suck your dick, and scream your name so loud so the next block could hear who's fucking me"  I said hoping to turn him on. "That sounds like the best night of my life but you need to heal babes you have a concussion, fractured pelvis, and a broken ankle." Like I give a fuck I say to myself and roll my eyes while Tay went and got the doctor.

Hey I'm sorry I haven't fulfilled my promises but I went on a vacation and had not cell service so I promise at least once a week or as much as I can kisses~ Mickey

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