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The day promised to be warm. For now however, the morning was cool. The beauty of the day had begun as dawn broke. Rays of the early morning sun peered down from the heavens and painted the stratus clouds dandelion gold, rosy pink, and coral orange. The first beams of the morning sun rested on the faces of the radiant blossoms in the garden.

The air was light, and a gentle breeze whispered through the trees. The breeze muttered its quiet secrets as it washed through the canopies of the beautiful beech and hemlock trees.

It was a perfect morning, and the day was perfect for the celebration of Beltane.

As the golden-haired woman stepped outside of her earthen home, the first thing she noticed was the beautifully vivid colors that surrounded her. The lush green clover they had planted to substitute conventional grass stretched out before her, glistening with droplets of morning dew in the early sun.

The breathtaking flowers were still in full bloom. Unfortunately, the plump woman could already see the beginning signs of withering blossoms. But for now, their vibrant petals still displayed an array of hues, from fiery reds and bold oranges to pastel pinks and beautiful violets. Their fragrant scent filled the air, intoxicating her and lifting her spirits.

The colors in the sky mirrored the ones on the ground, and the sky was slowly bluing.

She was happy to see them doing so well. For native plants, they had been very needy up until the point where their roots had finally been established in the fertile ground. Now, they were thriving, and she couldn't have been happier.

The woman could still remember the barren land the grounds had been when she had arrived. The years of corporate farming the land had suffered through had left the soil completely bereft of any nutrients. All that was left was basically sand and rock. There was no plant life and certainly no micro-fauna such as worms, arthropods, aphids, or fungi.

It was sickening.

"Jillian!" The young forest-green eyed lady called, barging into the teenager's room. "It's time to get up!"

"We have a lot to do today!" She announced, shaking the sleeping girl. "Come on! I need your help setting up decorations!"

The aforementioned teen groaned sleepily.

Until the rude awakening, she had been sleeping contentedly in her warm bed. Now, the hazel-skinned girl swiped disgruntledly at the boisterous woman before burying herself deep beneath her blankets. She stubbornly refused to wake, even though her peers were waking and dressing to begin the preparations for the day ahead.

"Let's go girl!" The woman continued when the girl showed no signs of life. "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!"

"No!" The teen whined, turning away. "I'm sleeping!"

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" The woman cajoled, persistent in her annoyance, hoping to rouse the teenager.

"Ugh!" The teenager whined, "It's too early, why so early?"

"We have to get ready for the event today!" The woman exclaimed. "We're letting in the others. They come from all over to participate in our traditions!"

"That's nice, but why do we have to get up so early?" The teen asked, yawning widely, finally sitting up and gazing at the woman with tired eyes.

Although it began slowly, the community was soon full of movement.

That morning, everyone was rising with the sun, an unusual sight for these people who usually slept late into the morning. But there was much work to be done on this day, for it was one of the most important esbats of the year! Beltane!

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