Chapter 12

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Holiday break passed by quickly that I feel like I didn't get to enjoy it that much. I went back to my homeland in Japan and spent my Christmas and New Year with my family. It was really a short break and my departure going back to Korea was a bitter sweet moment between me and my family. Is it just me or days now are getting shorter and faster? It's like you just woke up and you'll realize you're preparing for dinner already. Holiday season passed by quickly and now I'm back in uni. I typed a quick message to Athena to inform her I'm already back at university. Speaking of the devil herself, something eventful happened before New Year came.

Two days before New Year, I went out early to meet a high school friend and when I get back home, I was shocked to see Athena's face inside our home. She looked like a lost child even my parents didn't know what to do or how to approach her properly. The moment I saw her eyes, I knew something happened. I invited her in my room to talk with her properly and to make this long story short, she spent New Year with us. She went back the day after New Year's Eve and I stay back in Japan for few more days.

Classes actually started one week ago, and I just got back here yesterday. I'm not being an irresponsible student guys, it's just my grandma's death anniversary was last week so I had to stay for a bit longer. I'm pretty sure my nana would understand me not being there, but, I just can't.

Kyle and I are actually together now inside the café near the university. We bumped with each other earlier and given that we both have an hour to spare before our classes, we decided to hang out in a café to catch up.

"I really thought you dropped out oh my gosh. I couldn't reach you for the whole week." Kyle dramatically said in front of me.

"You didn't ask Athena? I told her I'm going to stay for a week before I get back here." I said and Kyle scoffs at me.

"I'd rather go to Japan on my own and ask you personally than to talk with that redhead bitch." I laughed out loud after Kyle said that. He really never forget to add Athena's hair whenever he address her. Last time that Athena's blonde, Kyle always call her as a "blonde bitch". He always make sure to add the color of her hair and it's so funny and amusing always. I actually at a point where I think Kyle has a bit crush on Athena, he just hides it through his hatred towards her.

"Why are you laughing it's not even funny." Kyle annoyingly said as I'm still laughing silently.

"Did you know? As a person who hates Athena so much, you surely is observant towards her. I didn't even notice she has a red hair now, and I'm her friend."

"You don't!?! It's so freaking red that even if youre ten meters away from her you'll immediately recognize her! Please tell her to dye her hair black so I won't misunderstood the other redheads as her, it's really annoying and embarrassing." Kyle annoyingly said and I burst out laughing again. At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm gaining attention from other students inside this café, but Kyle is just so funny to me right now.

"Oh my gosh Arthur stop laughing! Everyone's looking at us now!" Kyle whispered shout at me and I covered my mouth with my hand to suppress my laughs. Sure enough, someone caught our attention when I heard my name behind me. Kyle look up behind me and his eyes widened, as if he just saw a celebrity. I turn around and saw my roommate.


"Arthur?" Kevin says as if he can't believe I'm right in front of his eyes. What is it with people getting shock seeing me?

"Hi." I smile at him, I hate to say it but I do missed seeing him. The last time I saw him was the night when I collapsed due to fever. He stopped coming to our dorm after that. I'd like to believe that he got mad at me because of Jun that's why he stopped coming at the dorm, but that's just me and my delusional mind.

"Did you move out to another dorm?" My roommate asks with pure curiosity in his voice, I arched a single eyebrow confused at his question.

"Uh, no. Why would I do that?" I said chuckling at him.

"Just, I noticed you're not coming in our room last week so I thought maybe you moved out."

Bitch he's waiting for you. My subconscious mind thought but I blocked it immediately.

"No, I had to attend an important event in my hometown last week so I stayed a bit longer." I said and my roommate smile lightly at me.

"Oh, that's good then." He stopped talking for a second, it's like he's contemplating to say something or not.

"Uh, I'll go now, see you at dorm." Kevin said finally smiling. I smiled back and watch him walk past me and then out of the café. My brain is still comprehending what just happened while my eyes are still fixated on the door where my roommate left when Kyle's finger snaps in front of me. I look at him and he's already looking at me with his eyes still wide open. What's with this weirdo now?

"Please don't tell me he's not THE roommate you're always talking about?" Kyle started itching his face towards me and I lean back on my chair baffled at his reaction.

"He is the roommate I am talking about. You really look weird right now, what's with the reaction?" I said and Kyle open his mouth as if he can't believe what I just said. Seriously, what is wrong with this guy?

"Arthur, you really don't have any idea who he is?"

"His name is Kevin." I said in a monotonous voice.

"I mean about his background, smartass." Kyle said as he lean back on his chair and then cross his arms on me.

"Is that information important for my academic grades?" I asks arching my eyebrow at him. I don't know where this conversation is going.

"No but in your future, yes. Do you know his family name?"


"Ah, then that makes sense. You, my friend, is really dense sometimes." Kyle clicks his tongue at me, I'm starting to get annoyed now by his words and his reaction. What did he know about my roommate that I don't? I knew Kevin also came from a rich family given that him, Athena and Jun are friends, but what did Kyle know about him?

"His family name is Yoon." Kyle said after a minute. I look up at him, confuse why he is telling me such information. I remain silent and he takes out his phone, after a few seconds he hands me his phone showing a picture of a middle-aged man in a black tuxedo smiling. He looks familiar but I'm more concerned about why Kyle is showing me this kind of picture.

"Do you recognize this man?" Kyle asks me and commands me to look at the person in the phone again.

"No I don't. Is he your father? You two don't look alike." I said and Kyle rolls his eyes at me. He look at me with a disappointed face. He takes his phone back and after a few seconds he show me the same picture of the old man again but this time, with a name at the bottom of the picture.

"He's the mayor of this town." Kyle said and taps his phone to show me a family picture. I take his phone to see the picture clearer and beside what I suppose was the wife of the old man which Kyle said as the mayor, was Kevin, wearing a black tuxedo also, smiling professionally at the camera.

"That man in the middle is Mayor Samuel Yoon, beside him is his wife, Carmen Yoon. The young man beside Mayor Yoon is his eldest son, Gabriel Yoon and then there is Kevin beside his mom. They are Kevin's family and yes Arthur, Kevin is the mayor's son."

Ah, okay.

Wait, what??!!!

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