author's note 2

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hello lovelies! 

i wanted to come on here and give an update on this story for you all. i have not yet decided whether i want to continue this story, mainly because of school but also because of recent and ongoing medical issues. 

i have been in and out of the hospital for 6 months, getting treated for an undiagnosed seizure/movement disorder. but as of october, i have officially received a diagnosis!  

i have a semi-rare disorder called functional neurological disorder or FND. with that, i experience psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. this disorder is caused by trauma and intense emotional experiences in childhood. 

because of the themes in this story, i thought it was important to let you all know what has caused my absence, as well as to raise awareness for FND as well as PNES. 

i have thought about working my personal experiences into charlotte's storyline, or just continuing the story where i last updated. if anyone has any thoughts on this, or would like to message me or comment your ideas for charlotte's future, as well as emily and the rest of the characters, please do!! i would love to hear from you! 

in the meantime, i am sending all of my love, and i hope that i will find the motivation, strength, and time to give you lovely readers an update!

all my love, 

MJ <3 (@pagetsgreyhair) 

SUMMER CHILD, emily prentissWhere stories live. Discover now