Chapter 1: Who Am I To (Dis)agree?

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Before reading you can always check out this doc to know a bit more about the AU but it's not needed in order to enjoy. Also sorry if something sounds weird, I'm not good at writing in general and as the cliché goes, English is not my first language. With that aside, hope you enjoy and expect the next chapter very soon!


It's been a few days after moving in officially to the new castle and SMG4 isn't sleeping well. In his late night thoughts, he begins to remember about the It's Gotta Be Perfect and Western Spaghetti incidents. He hasn't stopped to think about everything that has happened because that means he'd have to face the reality of his choices. The thought of letting his friends get hurt is something that he doesn't like to think about but being the one to cause them that harm is something he beats himself up for everyday. SMG3, Meggy and Mario keep telling him that both things weren't his fault but he knows the truth. He let himself go to the point of harming them. No one influenced him. He pushed himself into the Tv Adware's trap. He also didn't caught on what was happening in Wren's fantasy world even though he also was affected by the TV Adware just like Wren. He began to dose off while trying to ignore those feelings but he can't escape his troubles.

 He began to dose off while trying to ignore those feelings but he can't escape his troubles

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SMG4 begins having a normal dream like those he has when he HAS dreams. Dumb meme here and dumb meme there. Even Beeg SMG4 is here! Suddenly SMG4 sees a meme energy ball and he decides to follow it. SMG1 and SMG2 have used them in the past for him to follow so he's used to seeing one randomly pop up.  As he follows, his meme filled surroundings turn into a black void with only SMG4 having light reflected on him. The light faded and the room lit up again but he wasn't back in the same place instead he was at Peach's castle. 

Looking around he starts feeling weird

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Looking around he starts feeling weird. It wasn't nostalgic yet it should've been. This was the place he lived for around 12 years. He and his channel grew and developed there. He meet his best friend there. He even fought world ending creatures there but he felt nothing. As he ponders he hears a voice in the distance. It came from his old room, he ran as fast as he could there to see if he could make sense of what appeared to be a normal dream up until then. When he opened the door he saw it. His best friend just standing there with his back turned against him. As he got closer the room started shifting into the castle in the Dark Web. SMG4 grabbed his shoulder but as he was about to ask Mario what's wrong, he got tied and chained down to the floor. All of this had a familiar sense to it but he didn't remember why until Mario turned around. The once lucky Mario that got away without a scratch no matter what was now roughed up and corrupted. "Why didn't you save me?" said Mario while his voice cracked, "Why didn't you save them? Why can't you protect your friends?" Mario got angry and screamed at SMG4. "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LIKE THIS?!?!" 


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SMG4 jumped out of bed screaming, "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" This would be the part where he normally starts crying and goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water before checking up on Beeg and going to sleep again but instead he started ...

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SMG4 jumped out of bed screaming, "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" This would be the part where he normally starts crying and goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water before checking up on Beeg and going to sleep again but instead he started to hear voices around his room. 

-"Dude, what's your problem?" 

-"What? You approved this!"

-"Yeah but not today! He deserves to have a dream!"

-"This is textbook nightmare time! If he dreams, he'll never confront his fear! He's just pushing it down! What he needs is a nightmare."

SMG4 looked at where the voices where coming from but he couldn't quite figure out the silhouettes since he was still kinda sleepy. "4, you can't just keep trying to bend the rules. Your the leader, you know this." said one of the voices. SMG4 rubbed his eyes in order to see more clearly. While he doing this, he starts speaking: "What are you doing here SMG3, and what did I supposedly do this time?". There was silence and he stopped rubbing his eyes. When he looked up, he didn't see SMG3. At least, he didn't see him like he usually does. This one had horns, a crown and a tail but this wasn't what shocked him. Next to him there was SMG4...well, not really. While this one didn't have horns and a tail, it did have a crown and glowing eyes. Both of them just stared at SMG4 hoping that SMG3 was actually nearby but nothing. "Uuuuuuh, hi-" said Nightmare SMG3 but was cut off by SMG4 screaming loudly (and high pitched) before passing out due to the shock.

 "Uuuuuuh, hi-" said Nightmare SMG3 but was cut off by SMG4 screaming loudly (and high pitched) before passing out due to the shock

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Nightmare SMG3 and Dream SMG4 stared at SMG4 passed out. They didn't know what to do. Nightmare SMG3 started smiling.

-"Welp Kingsy, that went well! :D" 

Dream SMG4 just sighed after hearing Nightmare 3 say that.

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