Chapter 2: I Travelled The Castle and The Dreams

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Also, characters in bulk: Dream/Nightmare/???

Characters in Italic: Regular/Real World

Again, sorry if anything sounds weird, English is not my first language. You have doubts, you can always ask in the comment section. Hope you enjoy!


SMG4 woke up the next morning. He grabs his phone in order to use Twitter. The screen turns on and it's revealed to be 9:18 am. While this wasn't late for the rest of the gang, it was for SMG4. He wakes up everyday at 7. Not because he has a good sleep schedule which allows him to wake up early to do everything before seeing his friends, but because Beeg insisted on waking him up at 7 so he could watch TV with Four. After an hour of watching TV, he would feed Beeg and start to edit videos. At around 11, he would stop when Mario arrived at the castle. Mario was always the first to arrive, no matter what (unless someone was already staying there or he'd gotten arrested). Today the castle was very quiet which instantly made SMG4 worried that something had happened to Beeg SMG4. As he turned around to climb out of bed, he started to remember about Dream SMG4 and Nightmare SMG3. How they look and just them standing there. "Wow, that was a wild dream" thought SMG4, "SMG3 with horns and a tail is fitting for him tho. I could totally see him with that". He started laughing at the thought of SMG3 with horns and a tail. He went to change his clothes when he heard something just outside his door. "Damn it! I dropped my croissant!". SMG4 recognized that voice easily. "Three, is Beeg there with you?" SMG4 asked but there was no answer. "Bro c'mon I just wanna know if he's there with you and didn't escape to do something illegal again". Still no response. SMG4 finished changing and opened his door just to be greeted by an unexpected visitor, Nightmare SMG3.

  SMG4 finished changing and opened his door just to be greeted by an unexpected visitor, Nightmare SMG3

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They both stared at each other while Nightmare 3 picked up his croissant. "Umm...hiiiii" said nervously Nightmare SMG3. SMG4 just stared at him. This time he could see Nightmare SMG3 in his full glory and not just the parts that glowed. Nightmare SMG3 nervously started to eat his croissant cause he didn't know what to do in that moment. "You know what, maybe I'm hallucinating due to stress. Yeah that's it" SMG4 whispered, "I'll turn around and when I look back, it'll no longer be there". SMG4 turned around and look back and to his surprise, Nightmare SMG3 was no longer there. He sighed of relief. "By the way, you know that's not how hallucinations work, right?" Unfortunately for SMG4, Nightmare 3 was still there, he just now floating next to him while he finished eating his croissant. "Also I'm not an it, I'm a he. Allow me to introduce myself..." stated Nightmare SMG3.

" stated Nightmare SMG3

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