Chapter 7: Something Wants To Get Used by Your King

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I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! Truth be told, I had trouble writing this one and not just because of everything that has happened since the last chapter. So yeah sorry for the many months difference, hopefully it doesn't happen again. Lastly, English is not my first language, so that might be a reason you might not understand somethings.

Bold: Dreams/???/Nightmares

Italic: Real World

Will add drawings later . I have not had time to draw all the drawings I want in the chapters. :)


Nightmare SMG3, Dream SMG4 and SMG4 walked towards the train station all the while Nightmare SMG3 held an ice pack to his forehead due to Dream SMG4 having thrown his shoe right at Nightmare SMG3's head. This, of course, was a mild punishment that Nightmare SMG3 took in stride after setting a glitter bomb in Dream SMG4's office; which will not be his problem later (he thinks and hopes). SMG4 is just surprised by his surroundings. The parts of the city he's at are not fantastical nor whimsical but the ambience is something he subconsciously doesn't recognize as any place he has been before. Those little changes to his surroundings made it all the more interesting. Dream SMG4 is dreading getting to the train station, he knows it's not a place were he'd like to be. The underground trains are full of nightmares, some of which he knows are not good people; then again he knows not all dreams are good people but in those cases, he's the boss and can to some degree control what they do. He does not know what to expect from Nightmare SMG3's subjects nor how Nightmare SMG3 while react in a situation they are uncomfortable with. Nightmare SMG3 sees the worry on his face.

-"Kingsy" Dream SMG4 snaps out of his trance "Don't worry. If anything happens, I'll make them remember why I'm the king of all nightmares."

-"Yeah, sorry. I just don't know how we'll do this, y'know." Dream SMG4 said

-"We'll do this, you two, the squid, greeny, bluejay, Mario. We'll save the idiot."

SMG4 started laughing when Nightmare SMG3 said that. It reminded him of his SMG3 and it was a good way to calm down his anxiety and worried for his best friend. The comfort from hearing something he's used to, it definitely helped even if it came out of nowhere and confused everyone.

-"What's funny?" Nightmare SMG3 asked

-"You sound like someone I know, guess you know him too." 

-"...okayyy, you alr-??"

-"Guys, we're here." Dream SMG4 interrupted

The three were standing on the entry way of the underground subway. SMG4 and Nightmare SMG3 were going to enter the subway but Dream SMG4 being the nervous reck that he is made them both stop in their tracks. "Stop, both of you" SMG4 and Nightmare SMG3 looked at him. "Okay, we need to something clear, NO ONE CAN LEAVE EACH OTHERS SIGHT. SMG4 can't talk to ANYONE. If someone talks to him, i want you to intercept SMG3. Lastly, we enter quickly and exit quickly. Got it?". Nightmare SMG3 with a huge grin to his face "okay moooom". Dream SMG4 quickly and gently...slapped him.

They all went down to the subway and were waiting for the train. The loud speaker is playing Caramelldansen. The station is mostly empty with only a few Nightmares, most of which are security guards. Nightmare SMG3 looks at Dream SMG4 to see how he's doing. Dream SMG4 looks quite uncomfortable being there but is trying to hide his discomfort. When Nightmare SMG3 looks at SMG4, he noticed that he's secretly dancing along with the music. So what does he do? He starts slowly dancing to the music. After a while both were doing the caramelldansen in the subway and Dream SMG4 has his hand to his face, hiding his embarrassment. He is thankful that the subway was mostly empty so no one could record SMG4 dressed like him doing the caramelldansen. Just as Dragostea Din Tei started to play, the train arrived. Dream SMG4 grabbed both of them and dragged them to the train quickly before they started dancing again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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