Chapter 4: Everybody Is Looking For Something Blue (Part 2)

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English is not my first language, sowwy :( 

Bold: Dreams/???/Nightmares

Italic: Real World

Will add  drawings later btw, just wanted to release this chapter so badly! Last drawing is coloured cause I didn't have self-control.


Meanwhile, Dream Luigi was watering some plants. Suddenly the door came blasting off the wall. "Really Mario?" Dream Luigi asked while sighing "This is the third time this week you kicked or blasted off the door. Stop trying to look cool while opening-". When Dream Luigi turned around he didn't see ??? Mario like he thought he would see instead there was Dream Meggy. She was trying to keep herself from looking like a mess of emotions but she still trembled a bit.

-"Meggy, what's wrong? IS IT MARIO?!"

-"No, it's the boss. There's a code blue in effect. I need you to go with me to check on him"

-"You sure? Wouldn't-"

-"Mario and 3 already gave their thumbs of approval and ordered this. Apparently regular SMG4 is already feeling the effects of the code blue. And since they can't come here right now, WE need to go check. Please Luigi, you're the only one who knows and can help."

Even though Dream Luigi was wary about the whole situation, he trusted his brother's instinct. If ??? Mario wanted him there instead of someone like Dream Tari, he always knew to go. Most of the time is because they were facing something utterly strange and/or bad that ??? Mario didn't want his friends to worry about. Dream Luigi was after all the brother to ??? Mario, watching him grow up as a Dream to then being chastised for being a Nightmare to then being bullied for being a weird thing until finding friends that didn't really care for what he was and being under the commands of both leaders. If anyone had lived stranger things than ??? Mario, it was Dream Luigi.

The drive over to Dream SMG4's place was mostly quiet and uneventful. Dream Meggy was overthinking about what she was going to do when they got there while Dream Luigi was worried about Dream Meggy's and ??? Mario's state of mind because of the situation. Even though he was the youngest of the three, he still looked out for his siblings (found and bio family). Dream Meggy turned off the ignition and took a deep breath. Dream Luigi put his hand on her shoulder reassuring her that it was okay. They both got out of the car and walked up to Dream SMG4's door. Dream Meggy had a spare key to Dream SMG4's apartment in case of an emergency. Both her and ??? Mario were given one with the instruction of using it if anything happened; obviously ??? Mario used it even when there wasn't an "emergency" emergency (let's just say that Dream SMG4's fridge might be missing some foods). 

Dream Luigi and Dream Meggy entered the apartment and started looking around. It was a decent place and pretty organized in the common areas like the living room, kitchen and the first bathroom. He usually prides himself for having a pretty organized house and work spaces even if he himself didn't look organized half the time. But when they went deeper into the house you could see that the guest bedroom and his bedroom were a mess. these were places no one would see so he didn't bother to hide anything nor organize them. Dream Meggy saw the trash can overflown with old coffee cups and some documents scattered around. She decided to clean up a bit before going to wake up Dream SMG4 since he's in no condition to see a mess like this. Dream Luigi also joined her in cleaning up but while doing this, he accidentally stepped over a picture frame. It was a picture of the whole gang with a postnote sticking to it saying "This are the most important people in your life, make 'em proud!". Dream Luigi was both a bit happy and sad when seeing this. He cleaned up the frame a bit and put it in his nightstand. He looked in the drawers for a post stick and a pen and wrote "you already do" before sticking it right below the other one. Call it brotherly instinct but he knew Dream SMG4 needed to hear that even if he didn't show it.

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