Chapter 5: Some of Them Want to Use Fours (Part 1)

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English is not my first language, sowwy :(

Bold: Dreams/???/Nightmares

Italic: Real World

Will add drawings later btw, same issue as the other day. Wanted to release this already! 


-"What do you mean? That's Mario?" SMG4 replied to ??? Mario's interrogation

-"That-a THING is NOT Mario!" ??? Mario answered

By this time Dream SMG4, Dream Luigi, Dream Meggy and Nightmare SMG3 realized that ??? Mario was defensive of SMG4. Nightmare SMG3 and Dream SMG4 put there arms in front of Dream Meggy and Dream Luigi to protect them if anything went wrong since no one could actually see what was happening or why ??? Mario was acting like this. SMG4 was very confused because even though Mario was acting a bit weird, it wasn't so far off that he hadn't seen it before. What was still holding SMG4 from fully defending Mario was that Mario knew about his and Nightmare SMG3 interaction before SMG3 arriving at the castle with Mario and Beeg SMG4. Before SMG4 could say anything, Mario spoke.

-"SMG4, what's-a going on?"

-"SMG4 don't listen to it. It's-a trying to trick you into trusting him."

-"But he's my best could I not?" SMG4 said sounding a bit scared now

??? Mario pondered and realized something. He's in charge of Mario's dreams and nightmares, he was with SMG4's dream counterpart and their friends' dream and nightmare counterparts. They'd know if Mario was bluffing and/or lying about something in his head. They'd also know about SMG4's dream and nightmares as of late. "THAT'S IT! SMG4, you told Mario about your dreams! ASK HIM SOMETHING ABOUT THEM!!" 

-"I uuuuhhh-" SMG4 was a little red in the face due to being a wee embarrassed "I don't know what to say..."


Mario was starting to get nervous and ??? Mario knew it, it was up to SMG4 to realize it too. But SMG4 is a little blind when it comes to his friends.  He'd usually let things slide when they were being weird cause for him, they were always a bit weird. He was a bit stuck and paralyzed.

-"GODDAMNIT SMG4, SAY SOMETHING!" ??? Mario screamed

-"FINE, Mario..." SMG4 sighed and spoke softly "I told you about a dream...well a nigthmare I had the other day that affected me so badly that you had to comfort me after it. What was it about?"

Dream SMG4 instantly knew about what SMG4 was talking about, while remaining guarded he turned his face to face away from everyone. Nightmare SMG3 was a bit confused since all nightmares given to dream recipients had to go through him and yet he didn't know what the hell SMG4 was talking about. Dream Meggy and Dream Luigi also worried at both SMG4 and Dream SMG4.

-"I uuuh-" Mario was nervously trying to think of something 

-"Come one man, please, answer me" SMG4 pleaded

-"Was it the one where we're all cops and Meggy got so injured that she had to stop working for 3 years and when she came back, she's paired with the thing she hated? Y'know the one where SMG3, Meggy and Tari got hurt?" Mario thought of the first thing he could out of the top of his head hopping it made a lick of sense even though it wasn't something SMG4 would think of

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