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I couldnt say a word when he told me that damn why isnt there any word coming out from my mouth? i kept on just staring at him: thinking about my confession. "i.. i.. i.. like"
"ugh me too i want haneul chocolate" taemin saved me
he saved me when i almost confessed right then onew released me and straightened me up he look at me curiously maybe because he is confused to the words that i said earlier?
"okay here you go taeminie " i pulled out a small rep box with a cute ribbon that i tried neatly last night
"wah thank you so so much" he quickly dropepd the other chocolates on the ground and opened mine
shezz what a poor boy
"and where is mine" jonghyun popped out behind my back and yanked me
"and mine" minho followed jonghyun did to my opposite side
ugh these guys are really heavy i dont have that much of a strength now to back ride them as like we did when were still kids
"aiyaa here" i quickly brushed the off by giving them another small red box with a cute but different colored ribbon
they quickly pulled them inside their bags along with the other boxes but in different pouch
'yah yah what about me?" key pouts and started winking his eyes rapidly at me
aissssh out little puppy
" you told me you have a lots suitors that will give you a lot of chocolates" i turned around from him and crossed my arms
"im just kidding please cani have some of that cute little boxes too?" he jumped on my back and hugged me tightly reachign for the boxes of chocolates
"okay okay since you only have few suitors and chocolates i will give you some" i teased him as i passed him the box
"geez look at you but anyways thank you" he swayed me lft and right like riding a roller cooster
"no more? what about me?" onew looks likes he is going to throw tantrums
oh my the atmosphere changes my smile degraded
i feel a little deflatted but ugh
my heart is really fluttering already can i readly do this
i took a deep breath i faced my back on then went up on the bench i cleared my throat signalling everyone for their attention
"lee jinki" i yelled
all heads are up and eyes are locked on mine waiting for my deepest and sincere revelation "nee-ga jo-ah(i like you) " i uttered confidently as i stared intensely and intently on this guy i like for years right in front of me i pulled out a smile then walked in front of him
i know im so confident about my feeling about him i held him a box of chocolate that i made last night he stared at me with wide eye phoenix eyes same expression as what my other 4 bestfriend are
i smiled then mumbled " i like you lee jinki ive been keepi..."
"ha seon im sorry but i dont feel tha same way as yours"
he butt in with a serious face then just nonchalantly walked away leaving me and my bestfriend behind
my smile fell as i felt sharp pain on my heart. my face became as red as tomato i felt embarrased in front of my bestfriend and all the people that I watching me as I confessed to someone that I really like for a long time.
at the same time the feeling of my heart being crush topped my embarrassment tears are welling up to my eyes as i run away from the truth i planted my hand on my face avoiding the reality that he fficially broke my heart for the first time. And worst is that he showed me all the sigh that he is feeling the same as I did but its just a mere minsunderstanding on my end I wasnt able to detemine it clearly since I was blinded by the emotion that im feeling with him. He broke me he broke my heart he hurt me.

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