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It's been three whole week since Lady Nagant was captured. Not knowing whether she was dead or alive, the hero public safety commission decided to send one of their top heroes to find Lady Nagant and to find out whether she was alive or not. The hero that they have sent on this mission was Hawks.

~Deika city~

In the dead of night, Hawks arrived at the city of Deika and flies above it. While flying he sees that the city is very quiet, as if it was abandoned. Eventually he land on top of the roof Raven raises up his right hand and places fingers against his earpiece.


"Hawks reporting in. I've arrived at the city of Deika, and have to say that this place is more dead than alive."


"It doesn't matter whether the city is alive or not. What matters is finding Lady Nagant. And it says here on my monitor, that the tracking chip inside of her earpiece is still active."


"Wait, are you telling me you actually put a tracker on her?"


"Yes we did. But that does not matter at the moment. Head East her location is that way. I'll contact you once you're above it."


"All right fine. Hawks out."

After saying that he lowers his hand from his ear and looked out to the city.


"Don't worry Tsutsumi, I'm coming to save you."

With that said, Hawks stretched his wings out and took flight up into the air where he began heading east. Eventually after flying for a couple of minutes, the employer soon spoke to Hawks through the earpiece.


"You've arrived."

Hearing that, Hawks dove down and landed on to the empty road. Looking around he was confused, so he raises up his hand and presses down onto his earpiece.


"Hey, I'm standing in the middle of a road and there's nothing here."


"What? It says here you're right on top of where her earpieces is."


"On top?"

Saying this, Hawks looks down and sees that he is standing on top of a sewer hatch. Lowering his hand from his ear he backs up and reaches behind him where he then pulls out one of his feathers which straightens and turns solid. From this happening he plunges his feather to the side of the sewer hatch and begins pulling it down calling the hatch to the sewers to lift up. Eventually once it was half open he kicked it off and look down the manhole.


"(Sigh) I'm going to regret this."

Jumping into the manhole he lands into the sewers, where below his knees submerged in sewer water, but having his shoes and half of his pants wet was nothing compared to the stench of estimate that flooded his nose.


"I think I'm going to be sick."

Covering his mouth and nose with his right hand. As he did so he looked around and spotted Lady Nagant's earpiece stuck in a crack just above the water. Walking over to it he pulls it out of the crack and hold it up. Seeing that he has found her and not her, he thinks of the worse.

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