8. Caught

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The morning light streamed through the window, casting a soft glow across the room. I slowly opened my eyes, the remnants of a vivid dream still lingering in my mind. A dream where Edward and I shared an intimacy that felt almost too real. A dream that left me with a warmth spreading through my entire body.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I stretched lazily, the sensations from the dream still playing in my mind like a sweet melody. The details were hazy, but the feelings lingered, leaving me in a surprisingly good mood. I turned to my side, half-expecting to find Edward beside me, but the cold emptiness of the bed brought me back to reality.

Reality struck, and I sat up, the covers falling off my shoulders. It dawned on me that Edward wasn't here; he was out hunting with his family. A pang of disappointment tugged at my chest, though I understood the necessity of his vampire needs. I couldn't help but wish he had stayed, just a little longer.

I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my disheveled hair. The room seemed quieter without him, and I couldn't shake the sense of longing that settled within me. Resigned, I laid back down, pulling the blanket over me, feeling its warmth as a poor substitute for his presence.

Staring at the ceiling, I let my mind wander back to the dream. The way Edward had touched me, the soft timbre of his voice, and the indescribable scent that enveloped him – it was all so vivid in my memory. A blush crept onto my cheeks as I recalled the intimacy we shared in that dream world.

Closing my eyes, I replayed the scenes in my mind, savoring the emotions that surfaced. My heart quickened, and I couldn't deny the strong hunger that had settled within me – a hunger for Edward's love. It wasn't just a physical desire; it was a yearning for his closeness, his warmth, and the safety I felt when he was near.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips, and I threw my head back against the pillow, the ache intensifying. I missed him, missed the comfort of his arms, the gentle whispers, and the way he made me feel complete. As the seconds ticked by, I couldn't shake the emptiness that lingered, a stark reminder of his absence.

As I pushed the blanket off my body, the soft fabric slipped down, pooling around my waist. My fingers traced the delicate lace of the nightgown I wore, and I couldn't help but imagine the cool touch of Edward's hands on my skin. The vivid memory of his cold breath against my neck in the dream intensified the yearning that already pulsed within me.

Rubbing my hands up and down the lacy material, I closed my eyes, savoring the sensations that stirred within. I could almost feel his presence, the ghost of his touch, as if the dream had transcended the boundaries of sleep and lingered in the waking world. My breath hitched, and my heart raced, responding to an ache that grew stronger with each passing moment.

The room seemed to close in around me, and I shifted, my body reacting to the memories and the overwhelming desire that surged through me. The throbbing need between my legs grew stronger, and I couldn't deny the powerful need that consumed me. It was more than physical; it was a yearning for a connection that went beyond the mundane, beyond the limitations of human desire.

I couldn't resist the magnetic pull any longer, the throbbing need between my legs reaching an intensity that demanded release. With a determined urgency, I pulled up the delicate nightgown, revealing more of my flushed skin. The cool air caressed my exposed form, heightening the sensations that seemed to dance along my nerves.

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