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"I just want you to know, that whatever is going on with you, you need to suck it up and start acting like a mother to your kids," Callie snapped as she walked past Jada heading out of the bathroom.

Callie had spent the rest of the day playing with her daughters, taking them to the park, and having a family dinner that consisted of herself, her two daughters, and Michelle.

Jada stayed in their bedroom all day with the exception of coming down to grab some food to eat. While she was downstairs, as much as Callie wanted to lay into her, she held her tongue and remained civil with Jada in front of their kids.

"You don't get it, Callie!" Jada snapped back.

"I think I do get it! I-"

"You know about my anxiety and depression and-"

"I know!" Callie shot back. "I am aware! I'm not mad about that, I don't get why you won't talk to me?"

Callie then said, "But at some point, you need to grow up and learn to have a conversation with me. You do this all the time. You won't open up to me. I just want to talk to you. You're doing this all the damn time, and I'm tired of it. Just let me in and let me help!"

"Callie, leave me alone!"

Smacking her hands loudly on her thighs, Callie shook her head and rolled her eyes. "You do this every time. I don't know what happened, why you don't want to talk to me anymore." She took a deep breath. Callie didn't know if she should say what she was thinking or not, but nothing she was saying so far was getting through to her stubborn wife. She took another deep breath and decided to let it out. "If this is going to continue, then I want out of this marriage."

Callie then left the bedroom and closed the door loudly behind her.


"Calliope Iphegenia Torres, you have no right-"

"You wanna fight!? Let's fight!" Callie snarled back as she entered the kitchen.

"You have no right to threaten our marriage over something so stupid!" Jada yelled.

"You are making this a bigger deal than it needs to be!" Callie protested. "All you needed to do was sit down and have a conversation with me! That's it! Instead, you chose to yell and scream at me when I was trying to ask you what was going on. This has been happening for months now and I'm sick of it!"


"Your mom had to tell me what was going on," Callie said as she rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you won't talk to me! I have never judged you, never hurt you, and I sure as hell have never left you because of something like this. I don't know why you keep doubting my loyalty and it freaking sucks because I thought I was the problem!"

"But I-"

Callie interrupted her wife. "You are setting a horrible example for our kids! You and I have spent more time fighting than we have agreeing. What does that show Sofia and Riley? We're supposed to set an example for them, we are supposed to have a healthy relationship, but right now, all we do is scream at each other! If they weren't awake already they are now listening to us scream at each other!"

"Callie, just leave me alone!"

"No, I won't! We're supposed to talk to each other when things get tough and you just continue to leave me out! I'm sick of it!"

"You have no idea what is going on in my head!" Jada yelled. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA!"

"I would have an idea if you would TALK to me!"

Jada stepped towards Callie. "You are so annoying! You won't leave me alone!"

"Because I'm scared for you!" Callie replied. "You won't talk to me! You won't open up to me! How do I know you're not going to run off and hurt yourself!?"

"You think I'm going to kill myself!?"

"I never said that! You bail when you get like this!"

"How dare you insinuate that kind of thing! That I'm a horrible person that would leave my children mother less!"

Jada got right up into Callie's face. "You are going to leave me alone! You are going to stay out of my business!"

"That's a great way to respect your wedding vows," Callie snapped back.

"Jaelynn Marie!" Michelle called from her room.

Jada didn't know what inside her snapped. Something did and she found herself committing an act she would've never thought she was capable of.

Callie had turned towards the sound of Michelle's voice and was completely oblivious to the fist coming around until it connected square onto her jaw. She staggered back, completely not expecting that.

"Callie, I..." Jada let out before she couldn't think of the words she wanted to say. She was shaking. Out of fear and anxiety. "Callie, I'm so sorry," she tried to apologize. "I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorry, baby."

Callie was leaning up against the back of the couch, grimacing as she touched her jaw. She heard her mom enter the kitchen, yell her name, and begin coming towards her, but that was blurred out to her as her focus was on Callie and if she was okay.

"Let me see, baby," Jada said as she came towards Callie again. "Let me get you some ice. I'm sorry, Calliope, I really am. I couldn't control myself, I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on in my mind."

"Jaelynn," Callie said softly as Jada began to check on her jaw.

"Yeah, baby?"

"We are over."

"No, Callie! I'm sorry! I don't know why I did that and I need help. I need you to help me. Something is wrong with me and I'm sorry and I don't know what happened," Jada rambled.

"We are over," Callie said again, her voice chilling but sincere. "I'm going to pack my stuff first thing in the morning and go to a hotel and meet with my lawyer. I will be taking the girls with me. You will be getting served divorce papers and we will divide up everything. I will be keeping the girls and if you try to fight me on it, I will take you to court and I will win full custody after everything you just did. I will be filing a protection order on you and you will not be around me unless otherwise stated."


Lynx Book 4: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now