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Jada's hips pressed against Callie's and the palm of her hand was flat on the mattress beside Callie's head. Taking a deep breath once again, she pushed her fingers, harder and deeper inside Callie, using her leg to assist.

She licked her lips, feeling the throbbing intensify between her legs as she worked herself against Callie's thigh. The little pants Callie released each time Jada's fingers filled her fully. The bouncing of Callie's breasts. The feeling of her fingers buried deep inside Callie's perfect body. Jada felt like she was going to come undone on the spot.

Hearing Callie's breaths get ragged, and feeling the tightening around her fingers, Jada knew Callie was close. She switched her rhythm to be short and quick as she jerked herself against Callie's thigh in an attempt to catch up.

Callie's body jerked to attention just as Jada finished as well. She collapsed onto Callie's sweaty body and removed her fingers from within, a smirk on her face when she felt the warm liquid exit as well.

The sweat on both of their bodies quickly began to cool under the fan. Still plastered on Callie's chest, Jada reached down to her feet and grabbed some of the sheets to pull over herself and Callie.

She rolled off Callie and settled herself beside Callie so she was facing her. Jada then pulled up the sheets even more around them.

"Wake up, pretty lady," Jada murmured against Callie's cheek before pressing a soft kiss against it.

"I'm awake," Callie muttered.

Even though she had done this hundreds of times, Jada loved to study Callie's eyes after they ceased making love. Callie's eyes were full of love, adoration, and appreciation.

And each time, the afterglow felt different. She loved cuddling into Callie as their bodies cooled from sweat, their breathing back to normal, and the feeling of her tired muscles resting. She pressed her body as much as possible against Callie's, pressing kisses all around Callie's sweat covered neck, and could smell the scent of sex that lingered in the air.

Jada loved the times when they were able to come down from their breathtaking highs together and the room, the sheets, and their bodies held the smell of the intimacy they just shared. Although it didn't sound the most romantic, Jada enjoyed the afterglow of their endeavors because this was a connection only her and Callie had shared, and will continue to share for the rest of their lives.

"Baby, I love having sex," Jada whispered to Callie.

"Me too," Callie chuckled quietly.

"You know, sometimes I wish we didn't have kids," Jada added quietly. "We could do this every night without worrying about anyone hearing or waking us up."

"I know," Callie replied softly. "You're a great mom. I wouldn't want it any other way."

"I never thought I would be a mom," Jada said. "I never thought I would ever be a mom."

Callie kissed Jada's forehead gently. "Life certainly has a way of taking you down a path you never thought you'd follow."

Jada nodded against Callie's neck and yawned. "I'm going to sleep, Calliope."

About a minute later, Callie giggled when she heard soft snores right in front of her.


Jada sat down on the blanket beside Callie and focused on watching the waves crash against the shore. "What's your dream?" Callie asked, breaking the silence. "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Jada looked over at Callie. "I don't know, I've never thought about it."

"Come on," Callie pushed. "Tell me."

"After you tell me first," Jada replied with a smile.

Callie smiled as well. "I want to be the chief orthopedic surgeon. I want to continue my cartilage research and hopefully someday be able to better lives with it. Hopefully by then I'll be married, and I really want kids and a family. I don't know what it is, but I need to be a mom."

"You want kids?"

She nodded. "I've wanted kids all my life. What about you?"

Jada shrugged. "I never thought of it much. I'm used to being on my own. I've never had much luck with dating either so I've never thought about life with a partner and a family."

Feeling a cool breeze come ashore from the ocean, Jada shivered. Not even a few seconds later, a grey sweatshirt was being set into her hands. "I'm okay."

"You're cold. Take it," Callie said softly. "I'll be okay."

Jada took the sweatshirt and quickly pulled it over her head. "Thank you, Callie."

"You're welcome. Why do you say you don't have much luck dating?" she asked.

Jada shrugged. "I don't feel like I've ever really connected with anyone. I don't think I know what love feels like because I've never fallen in love with anyone. I've never been with anyone longer than a few months either."

Callie looked over at Jada. "I'm not sure how much of that I believe because I think everyone in the world would be so lucky to be with you."

Jada felt her cheeks immediately get warm and a smile tugging at her lips. She could feel herself blushing so hard at Callie's compliment. "Thank you, Callie."

After a few moments, Jada then asked, "So, why did you choose orthopedics?"

"The human body is so resilient," Callie explained. "I was always fascinated by bones and ligaments. I have seen so many things you wouldn't think would be possible. I love the challenge of helping fix fractures, tears, and breaks, and being able to help people regain what they need to be able to live their life as best they can. I've been working on artificial cartilage and have tested it on a few patients. It's been going great."

"That's amazing," Jada said in awe.

"I love helping people and saving lives," Callie added. "And I get to break some bones a few times a week."

They both laughed. "Medical stuff weirds me out," Jada said. "I don't like blood or anything gross."

"You would never last five minutes in an OR with me."

Lynx Book 4: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now