chapter 1 {IN LOVE}

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Veneer pov

The walk of shame if I'd never experienced it

Being a fraud for fame and fortune was bad enough. eyes were on me and my sister as we ushered down the long stretch if the corridor sandwiched between two guards

Everyone stared at us in utter disgust, spatting insults our way while others glared watching me, my sister, every move. I tried to keep my head down and my feet moving.

All I had to do was remember what floyd had said

Before I been sentenced, the court judge told me I get 1 month for telling the truth and admiting to troll napping and torture and taking responsibility for my actions

And if I do really well I'll get out early for good behavior

To be honest.....I was happy

But as for my sister velvet.....

well, she doesn't have it so good she has 3 years with no chance of parole for not telling the truth, so yea......she won't get out any time soon

Unless she changes her ways

As the guards transported me my sister to our celler my sister angrily sat down on the bed looking away from me, it was clear she's still pissed at me ever since I exposed everything she wouldn't speak to me nor look at me

It hurts, I know.......but what's done had to be done

I couldn't live with that lie anymore, nor could I ever forgive myself for almost killing Floyd

Speaking of floyd......

I sort of miss him and love him. I don't know why

I believe it was over the time when we had him that he always gave me positive advice and defends me from my sisters cruel words

It couldn't be impossible

I fell in love with him

I wanted him with me

I needed him beside me

I need to feel his body against me

All these thoughts made me crazy

Was I'm insane........

Floyd pov

I couldn't stop thinking about him ever since I reunited with my brothers, especially my baby brother

Branch - that's grown into a man with the girl he loves most poppy.....I'm proud of him

My oldest John lives on his own with his pet ride Rhonda traveling all around the world

My second oldest brother, Bruce- settled down with his wife and children

And Clay - that's the taken seriously one now with a license CPA

And as for me, well....I haven't gotten the chance to start my solo career because of what I went through

I could start now, but I can't get him outta my head

Veneer has been stuck to me like glue. I'm obsessed with him

I've been around him for a while now and more terrifying when I go to sleep. I dream of him

Something about him drives me crazy

Could it be

Oh no

I'M IN LOVE!!!!!

With veneer, it couldn't be

Why would I be in love with my kidnapper

Sure, back when I was kidnapped by them, we would always stare at each other, making his sister uncomfortable, leaving dragging him along with her. It's even times when we even talk without her being around

We laughed

We cried

We understand one another

So I guess it makes sense now why I'm unhappy and why I feel like something inside me was missing

It was veneer

I need to see him so I'll see him in secret tomorrow

I'm scared of what john and Branch would think they'll never accept my feelings for veneer

I spent so much time with him that it really didn't matter anymore. I will see him without them knowing

I can't wait to see you, veneer........

Yandere Veneer x Floyd {My Smaller}Where stories live. Discover now