Chapter 20 {Force Touch}

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Veneer pov

I kept floyd next to me, never letting him outta my site. It's bad enough. I don't want Velvet around floyd without me around anymore. I thought she was someone I could trust,

but no, she went against me and doubled crossed me, working with John Clay Spruce Poppy Branch behind my back

To take him away from me

So I gave her a pep talk to make sure it never happened again

Floyd's mad at me now, but what he doesn't understand is that my love for him can make me do crazy things

Floyd, he didn't disrespect me and crossed me try running away not once I was glad he's finally learning to accept me?the feeling of him in my arms was the best feeling I ever felt. I wanted more of him. I need him to fall in love with me again

Like.....we used to in that time he vist me in jail and we shared a passionate kiss

I lured him into a luxurious restaurant vip area where it was all quiet and a table with wine and flowers all around

What is all this floyd?"

He asked, and I tried to sound romantic as possible

"I wanna surprise you with something special.
I never wanted you to hate me.",

I said, and he looked down

I started frowning


He can't

Can he?

Floyd pov

I kept staring down at the floor with shock and confusion. Veneer sounded vulnerable, but I mustn't be amazed by his words. It would only lead me to have Stockholm syndrome

He was my kidnapper. After all

"I hope you'll love our first date together, my sensitive flower~" He told me, and I gave him a warm smile as we sat down to eat it tasted good

For once, I don't feel forced cause I sort of liked it

I could see Veneer face as he was eating he looked helpless. he wanted to talk to me more

Everything was awkward,

"Floyd, you're very special to me, and you should know I care bout you more than anyone."he said, and I nodded

I am pretending to understand cause it isn't true

I have brothers who care bout me

Veneer being too selfish to understand that

So I'm planning to escape another way

"Do you like it he suddenly asked after we were done eating.

I love it it amazed me...."I replied, and I could see that a small smile was forming in his face

"Im glad love I put a lot of effort into it."he said and stood up to walk towards me."You like this drink?

He asked, and I shocked my head into a no. I didn't want to drink anything from Veneer. I do not want him drugging me with something I won't come back from

Who knows, it could be a love spell drink?!!!!

"No thanks, I'm ok."I replied, and suddenly his smile dropped. I could see anger and confusion all over his face while he put his hand on his forehead

You think I'm tryna poison you?!!!!

He said and stood up, looking at me offended

No It's not like that. I'm just not that thirsty right now...I replied which angered him more

"No, this date was supposed to be perfect, and you ruined it, hurting my feelings! He yelled and slammed the drink on the floor, very aggressive, I flinched by the sound of the shadered glass,

I took a step back from him while he was breathing heavily,

How could I get him this angry? I must do something before it gets worse. I slowly moved closer to him and gently grabbed his shoulder, his muscles tense, and he slowly turned around to look deep into my eyes

I could see desire in them, and he suddenly pushed against the wall. I realized that his desire was uncontrollable. Now

He looked up and down between my eyes and my lips while I shivered and couldn't get out of my frozen state before he forcefully pressed his lips onto mine with a lot of strength

It felt wrong

Being kissed by the person the promise to love you but hurt you and who decided to kidnap you without caring for your feelings

Felt wrong

But my body was frozen, and I wasn't able to move his hungry lips. I tried to get access into my mouth but fought against it

Veneer became frustrated while floyd resisted him, only leading him to be more aggressive while he was breathing heavily

"Please, floyd, I want you.",

he begged while dropping to his kness

Oh no.....

He was between my legs, massaging my member while I felt goosebumps. I was so uncomfortable, but his intimidating aura made me froze the lump on my throat, which stopped me from making any noise .....he started to stroke my member harder while licking his lips

"I love that look on you, love?~" He breathed out, and I gulped before he continued with his torture stroking and moving my member around just as soon as I moaned

He tried unzipping my shorts


I finally managed to say that when I noticed an unfamiliar feeling, I could tell Veneer was annoyed, but he attempt to not go any further. I sighed in relief, but I knew one day veneer would lose all his patience

And just force himself on me and make me take it

That was my fear


Since after that date, they had Veneer wouldn't look at Floyd nor speak to him

he was upset cause he wouldn't sleep with him

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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