Chapter 8 {Payback}

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{No pov}

Floyd woken up with a lash whip behind his back he opened his eyes, seeing the one above him

None other than veneer except he had no emotion, he looked at him very emotional with certain emotions he's using. Anger hate


Floyd yelled desperately while veneer laughed like a beast

It's nothing personal. You broken my heart, and now you must pay the price

It's payback love

Veneer said in a crazy sadistic perverted way, making it impossible for Floyd to not be scared

"Veneer, understand, please. I don't want this please you can't do this to me!!! He yelled, and Venner froze with shock laughing at him

I didn't ....want to be broken up with you. You did that!!! So I honestly don't give a shit for you anymore

Veneer is explaining, making Floyd tear up

"I'll torture you a whole lot worse than before, except you'll be bleeding this time,

"I won't stop until you learn to love me back

my love~


It doesn't work that way

Floyd cries uncontrollably in defense while Veneer bends down to whisper in his ear

'It doesn't matter~

I won't give you up Floyd you always were mine, and you will always
will be,"

Veneer told Floyd, and the sudden tone of his voice caused his body to shiver in fear

"Im not an object property you can use on Veneer. I'm a troll with feelings!!!

I had feelings too.....Floyd you didn't seem to care, so really it doesn't matter he suddenly giggled at this

Terrifying floyd

You will stay here with me and be mine no matter if you're a property or not.
You will start loving me back

Or I'll make you......

Veneer threatened Floyd with crazy rage eyes, making him stare in more fear smaller how bout we get to know each other more now we're the same height~

{Warning 🔞 Force}

He said, grabbing him, forcing him to come into his room, locking the door behind em both

Floyd couldn't believe this was real. This is just a horrible nightmare....

But as soon as Veneer slapped floyd hard, he realized it was real, and he was not playing around with him

"How can you hurt me like this floyd!!!choicing your pathetic brothers over me knowing you belong to me! I will show you what happens to naughty boys."he hissed and pulled his pants down before pushing him onto his bed, Floyd struggled to push Veneer away and screamed as loud as he could, but it was hopeless

Veneer violently slaps Floyd's butt as he bends him over

"I will make sure you never cross me again!~

He said as he used his hair to keep him in a tight grip to keep him in place, grinding himself against him. There was no gentleness in his movements in a moment he took both their clothes off

Floyd felt his member lining his back entrance in one quick thrust. veneer was inside Floyd. The pain he felt when he entered him was unbearable before he could scream. His hand had stopped it, and he didn't git time to adjust to his size

Thrust after Thrust, he had ruined him.....


Veneer laughs like a beast as Floyd cries uncontrollably as he puts his own clothes back.....on

Veneer left him there as if he was a used up object he wanted Floyd to suffer just like he did

But.....he was sorry he ain't want to do that he loved him

Yandere Veneer x Floyd {My Smaller}Where stories live. Discover now