Chapter 19{Suffering}

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Veneer pov

Past these 3 months, I kept beating my sister velvet with objects making sure I made it clear to her that if she ever went against me again, I would take the hammer to her legs arms and kness this time

To make sure she won't walk again

And she knows it'll be worse way worse,

So now she supports me like a good sister, supposed to

Oh, and floyd.......

It's not been a good day for him. Since that last week, "I sighed. floyd's condition didn't get any better after I've beaten him with that belt even cut him so many times making him bruise up ruining that perfect skin of his he refused to ever leave that room he just sat on that bed the entire day and stared against the wall his eyes were completely matter what he never showed any kind of emotion

Well, I did warn him that I'll break him down to submission that he'll be far from sorry

And that they'll see a whole new side of me

I warned him and everyone

Now it's just like this now

Floyd pov

I felt something for the first time


Suffering pain depression

I felt it all.....

I don't know for how long it's been this long now without seeing my brothers or poppy viva

or velvet.....

it seemed like I'm way too traumatized to ever live a normal life again.

I missed my brothers it was all my fault there hurt and in this mess

Thoughts and loneliness that was all I had ever since I angered veneer...I couldn't control myself after veneer stabbed my brothers and had em tied up unconscious.....and I said the worst things I could ever say to veneer

I thought he would whip me again or cut me, but he didn't he just kept me locked in this room with less food and a bathroom for me to use

The window was small and couldn't be opened it was cold in the room. Veneer didn't speak to me or came into the room even once after he kept me in here. I hated myself. Being trapped with my own thoughts was a nightmare

This suffering killed me

And I just found out Veneer kept abusing velvet till she supported his relationship with me. I couldn't distract myself or comfort myself with anything. I was forced to think about this, and I was forced to blame myself for it

I cried so much that it felt like I was drowning in my own tears, but I didn't allow to pity myself. I deserve all the punishment in the world for theying I did

Not only was it my fault that velvet was being beaten badly, and my brothers were in the hospital still unconscious end....

I deserved this suffering pain

I tightly held the blanket around me to escape the cold air in the room, but I was still shivering. I don't know for how long I could keep this up

I was freezing badly in here

I didn't realize that I actually managed to fall asleep until bright lights hurt my eyes. I could hardly see anything, but I noticed that the door had been opened. I quickly turned away from the wall

"Floyd, are you ok?",

He asked in complete shame

"Im cold,"I just replied with a sad voice

"I know you must've been so lonely without me,

He said in a sad smile, which I find it very triggering he left me to freeze

Was he kidding......

I slowly nodded while tearing up

I missed you a lot, but I think you know why you were locked up."he said, and I nodded again.

"Because I lied and betrayed you, and I'm a terrible person for running away

I said, and he gently pulled me towards him to hug me

"It's good that you realized your mistake. I've been thinking about letting you out and giving you a second chance, but I'm not sure he said, and my eyes widened

He would let me outta this room finally?!

"Please veneer, let me leave this cold. I'm sorry for what I've done it won't happen again, please!!

I begged him, and he smirked before he pulled from the hug

"Will you finally respect me, accept my love for you?"He asked, and I instantly nodded

"That's all I wanted, my love...

I was still on my knees while he was looking down at me standing while licking his lips

"I like it when you are on kness for me, floyd~

He said, and I nodded, being submissive, feeling my suffering getting worse from this

"I'm happy you're pleased veneer, my love

"Good now, please me...

He said, and his eyes darkened when I hesitated for a second. He roughly grabbed my hair, making me yelp

Unless you wanna freeze in this room another week, floyd my darling smaller??

Short smut🔞

He said, and I nodded before undoing his pants before sucking his tip and took the whole cock into my mouth sucking it up and down

He instantly let out a deep moan while he leaned his head back while i twriled my tongue as he ran his hand through my hair in a tight grip sucked it harder than before making my head go back and forth

"Ohhh yes just like that...",he breathed out and I sucked even harder making him gasp in pleasure

"Ahhh my floyd my smaller i love you so much gumdrop~! He moaned loudly while I made his cock go down my throat taking it completely in my mouth he moaned with insanity while he suddenly gripped my neck and started to move my face in a even faster pace

His forceful movements made me gag but it only made him move my face faster

"Ohh yes my sensitive smaller let me fuck that throat!" He cursed out going even harder

before he cummed

It went down my throat before he pulled away from me

I swallowed all of it while he looked at me with shiny eyes

"Oh foyd

My love floyd

My darling floyd

Let's cuddle and eat together

He said before pulling me out the cold room to come into his bedroom

Yandere Veneer x Floyd {My Smaller}Where stories live. Discover now