Pearl looked through her chests, "spare iron...spare good” she mumbled, pacing back and forth, Scott went down the stairs and looked at pearl, "boogeymans gonna be chosen soon...” he muttered, pearl nodded, cleo soon came down from the steps behind scott
"I'll tell you guys if it's me!" Pearl told them, placing her hands on both their shoulders as Cleo stood next to scott
"Yeah I'll tell you guys too.” Cleo responded, she looked kinda stressed and they had their knuckles clutched
Pearl closed her eyes and when she opened them"You are...”
"*The boogeyman*”
Pearl covered her mouth, holding back a gasp, Cleo looked at pearl, "What? What's wrong?” they asked panicked, "'s me guys” pearl muttered, Cleo took a few steps back, pulling up their shield, "I'm not gonna kill you Cleo!” pearl yelled out, giving her a weak smile. "I think they're just scared cause of...” scott cut himself off, pearl knew what he meant."Ohhhhh Lizzie~”
Joel yelled out, approaching Rens tower, it was tempting to just break through the wall but he decided to respect their privacy, Joel saw Lizzie's head pop out from her base, she smiled and skipped over, "what's the password?” Lizzie asked playfully, crossing her arms smiling, " am I meant to know?” he asked, Lizzie shook her head and sighed, opening the door for him, Joel stepped inside, "Ohhh very nice!”, Joel complimented and Lizzie smiled, looking around at the area. "What did you need husband?” Lizzie asked, turning to him, Joel shrugged "I just wanted to visit you!” Joel replied, "I heard about the fairy fort so I wanted to make sure you were okay!” he said, giving her a sincere smile, "Awhhh thats sweet!" She replied, she gave him a peck on the cheek and smiled. Lizzie quickly turned around, she thought she heard a voice, "everything alright?” Joel asked confused, Lizzie nodded, "thought I heard someone...I was hoping it was Ren...” Lizzie mumbled, Joel walked up to Lizzie and stood next to her, putting his head on her shoulder before pulling something out, an axe, behind his back, he lifted his head and took a few steps back, Lizzie turned her head slightly and Joel thrusted his axe onto her head, "JOEL?!” Lizzie yelled, falling to her feet and trying to scurry away, "I'm so sorry!” he yelled out, slightly laughing in a nervous tone, Lizzie put her arm/hand up, trying to block his attacks (unfortunately it didn't work though) and he hit Lizzie again, and again, until she disappeared and died, he tried to pick up most of her stuff
"You have been cured” appeared in front of his eyes, he placed his hand in his hair, "thank *god” Joel muttered[LDshadowlady was slain by Smallishbeans]
Lizzie respawned, checking her life count on her communicator she had 2 lives left, she ran over to Rens tower as fast she could, ignoring everyone she went past, as she arrived she kicked down the door and saw Joel, picking up *all* her stuff, she quietly approached Joel and punched the back of his head, "Back off!” Lizzie told him, joel turned around and dropped all her stuff, "I- I didn't want it to despawn!” he told her, Lizzie didn't believe him, "Go!” she ordered, pointing to the broken door, Joel made his way and Lizzie picked up her stuff.
Lizzie heard a noise from above but didn't see anything or anyone so just brushed it off, as she turned to go back into her base someone hugged her, she jumped and looked behind her, it was a familiar brunette with dog ears, she let go for a second, "REN?!” She yelled, happily hugging him tightly, "My queen, is everything quite alright?” he asked, his same dramatic tone still there as always, "Yes! Are you? Where have you *been*” Lizzie asked, super worried about Ren, "where I've been is of no importance, what matters is that *you're* okay!” he told her, pulling out from the hug, "...well I'm fine, just my *bloody* husband decided to target me for his boogey kill!” she exclaimed in annoyance. Lizzie heard her communicator buzz.
[BdoubleO100 was slain by tangotek]
Lizzie gasped, "Betrayal!!” she muttered, "That won't end well” Ren mumbled back, the two were still looking at the chat, Tango claimed it to be self defence from bdubs, and just as Lizzie was going to put the communicator down another message appeared
[Tangotek was slain by BdoubleO100]
bdubs quickly confirmed it was a boogey kill, even though he was now red and didn't need to do it.
"That's two boogeys...” Ren muttered, Lizzie put down her communicator and looked at him, "that means no more right?” she asked him hopefully, Ren put down his communicator and frowned, "We can hope” he replied quietly"Does that mean there's 3 boogeys?” Cleo asked themself as they approached spawn, Cleo was tasked by pearl to bring everyone to a disco party that pearl had set up, no reds allowed, cleo decided to go with it and placed a few signs around and now was on a hunt for people, eventually she came across Jimmy, they put their shiled up and Jimmy tried to shoot and arrow before properly approaching her, putting the bow down, "I heard there was a party” he asked, Cleo shook her head "a party for greens and yellows" they corrected him, Jimmy frowned "surely expections can be made right cleo?” they heard from behind, it was Grian, "No- *especially* not for you! You've been out murdering everyone!” Cleo replied, they looked around a bit for a way to leave and fucking booked it, Jimmy tried yelling out and Grian tried to hit her with a bow but it didn't work. Cleo tried to go back to focusing on the task pearl gave her - which was to find people for the disco and invite them, they just wandered around looking for people and didn't even realise they were making their way to the old fairy fort
"Her ashy, rotten, mistreated wings"//Last life zombiecleo winner au
Fanfiction"It was nice being your teamate, even if it wasnt for long" ------ This story is about zombiecleo and if she won last life instead of scott, a lot of the death order has changed to cause more drama and angst -------- This story will contain - Death...