Sweet Rivalry

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You groaned in disappointment and annoyance. This definitely wasn't the ideal ball you wanted... not with him at least. But you couldn't deny, you were having your fair share of fun here. He seemed as if he were having fun too. It didn't really bother you that much then. But you still wanted to believe that you didn't enjoy this, only because it was Heizou. He's always behind you, teasing and annoying you as much as possible.

'maybe just this time... I'll forget about it and have fun...' Different thoughts passed across your mind as you tried to brush them off. the music that played in the back were little bells to your thoughts. His hands held your waist, twirling you and himself across the crowd of people dancing with their own history with each other. Your left hand rested on his neck while the other was intertwined with his own. His feet moved in rhythm to yours.

It was a dance, but it also felt like a competition to see who did better. Heizou's grip on you was firm. And so was your grip on his neck. No words were spoken yet you could feel how he was trying hard to do good. The piano, violin and the various instruments were playing in the background as if they were there to enhance your moment with him. You tightened your grip on his hand and continued moving in circles along with him. The soft tunes of the piano now made the dance go slower. It seemed like an automatic reaction.

You hated him yes, but now you couldn't deny that this was pretty fun. You wondered who was playing the music since you heard the Howl's moving Castle theme. You enjoyed the piece quite a lot. A smile rose up on your face as you moved faster with him. Heizou seemed to take notice of this and matched your pace, a little faster than before. Everything around you seemed like a blur as you had your fun.

But at the end, the swaying steps had to come to an end. A tiny bit of disappointment washed over you. wait were you not sad just now since you had to dance with your enemy? And now you're sad that it ended? You need to learn to keep your feelings in check... after a while of not saying anything, Heizou finally spoke.

"enjoyed the dance, 'partner'?" he teased, a small grin forming on his face. the dance was now over and everyone dispersed to different areas, some seated and some still standing, chatting away with their partners and friends. You were left to talk with Heizou as your friends were still busy talking to their partners.

"hah... I had to admit that I did have fun" you decided not to lie and just say the truth. Heizou's smirk slightly faded and was replaced by a grin. Though his eyes held a little warmer truth to it. He ran a hand through his auburn hair which was messily tied up. You wondered why he didn't tie it up even when attending a ball...

"no beating around the bushes I see" he chuckled a little before adding, "wanna go get some drinks?" he waited for your reply. "and I'm glad to know you enjoyed our dance, 'partner'". He kept emphasizing on the partner to irritate you and it wasn't working too much. Maybe just a little since you felt your ears turn a little warm. Though he couldn't notice it as he was too focused on your face.

"Alright sure" you agreed to his request and followed him to the area where the drinks were at. You reached the table and glanced at the variety of drinks placed on it. You picked out one of the drinks you enjoyed and sipped. Heizou took the same to try it out since you'd picked it and he wanted to judge your tastes.

"Not bad not bad... you have good tastes if I do say so myself" his teasy personality was flowing through now. He always was teasy so there's no difference today anyway. He took another sip of his drink and turned his attention towards you. "mm I forgot to mention..." he mumbled.

You turned your attention to the speaking male curiously. "yes?" Your eyes moved from his eyes to the moles underneath his eyes. Woah there were two. Under each eye. You didn't know why but you thought It made him look more... attractive? But when did you ever find him attractive? Questions arose in your mind but you shook the thoughts away and focused on what he was saying.

"You look good in that outfit" he winked, leaning against the table. You felt a surge of blood rushing to your cheeks. Oops. Seems like the blood cells thought it was an emergency to aid though you wish the didn't come to the rescue...

"Ah thanks" you smiled and immediately looked away so he didn't see your flushed face. "you look quite handsome yourself" you returned the compliment. "don't expect compliments from me everyday" you added so he wouldn't get the wrong idea. Though he probably already knew that you liked him. Was it just you or was he being bolder than usual today?

"Woah I definitely didn't expect a compliment back from you at all!" he grinned. Another sip of the drink washed down his throat. "mm... I feel like going for a dessert now" he stopped leaning against the table and regained his posture to see the selection of sweets on it. His eyes traveled and stopped at the cookie beside you. he reached out and grabbed it. There was a chandelier right above your heads which illuminated the both of you as nobody else was hanging near the dessert table at the moment. He took a bite out of his cookie and savored it. You blinked, watching him eat, before shaking your head and looking away.

You were lost in thoughts for a moment, sipping your drink, staring off into the distance without blinking. Until Heizou's playful voice interrupted your thoughts. "Not sweet enough... hey y/n?" he called your name.

"Yes?" you answered, waiting for him to reply.

"This cookie isn't sweet enough" he licked his finger while speaking and looked back at you with a smirk.

"What do you want me to do?" you replied, feeling a little confused. But you tried to make it sound like you were annoyed with him. He stared into your eyes before adding.

"I want something sweeter" he played around with a strand of his hair before he whispered.

"How about a taste of those lips? I assume they're sweet... I saw you eating cherry flavored things earlier" he said all that without a hint of embarrassment on his face. you felt your eyes widen and cheeks reddening at the things he just said. His expression remained the same but you saw a tint of crimson spreading on his face. "no time to make that expression, come on. I prefer quick answers" he teased further to make you even more flustered which was definitely working. "I know you like me don't hide it' a genuine smile spread on his face and you immediately looked away, not knowing what to reply to that. It felt as if the sounds of the people surrounding you had now faded away. All you could hear was your own heartbeat and breathing, and the feeling of Heizou's presence since you didn't wanna look at him.

Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out to the garden without waiting for your reaction. You were dragged along with him, not even receiving a chance to refuse. You walked with him to reach a secluded spot behind the building. The noises from inside the hall had now disappeared. You felt your heartbeat rising the longer you stayed alone with him. He finally stopped walking and turned around to face you. his hair was now moving in the wind, pushing stray hairs into his face. you felt an urge to move his hair back into place. Your hands reached out to do as your heart wished but immediately pulled back as your brain said a different thing. Heizou had already noticed it. He gently held your hand and pulled you forward. You immediately knew what he meant by that gesture.

"Don't be nervous..." He smiled warmly, the warmth of his smile reached your cheeks, turning it warmer than before. It felt as if the temperature had been raised even more. He leaned in closer to your face, his intention becoming clear to you. His confidence remained as he noticed you weren't moving away from his grasp and took that as a sign to continue what he was doing. He leaned in closer, his lips inching away from yours. The air was heavy as a mountain that held melting snow. The cold breeze tried to cover the warmth of your body but failed. Should you lean in closer as well? Should you pull away? Should you tell him no? a bunch of thoughts ran rampant in your head as you felt yourself growing more flustered.

All your thoughts vanished the moment his soft lips touched yours. He kept his lips on yours for a few seconds, holding you by your waist and pulling you even closer. You felt his fingers moving in small circles on your waist to tease you. you were enjoying every single second of this moment. You could sense the love in it. Eventually, he pulled away with a smug expression on his face. you felt your face burn up in embarrassment as he licked his lips to find any lingering taste of you left.

"you liked that didn't you?" he asked, a teasing undertone present in his voice. The wind blew slightly heavier, and a leaf landed on your face. you picked it off your face and slightly nodded. You didn't feel like saying anything after that.

"I love you" he gave your cheek a small peck before gently holding your hand and walking back into the building with you. a butterfly flew around in your stomach before slowly hitting the edge and disappearing.

Uh. Typical enemies to lovers. I'm tryna maintain a specific writing style but it keeps changing aaaa. 

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