A Sleepy Shine

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It was late at night. You were simply walking down the hallway, finding your class to take the books you'd left inside on accident during class time. Being unable to find sleep was the reason you had decided to come here.

Your footsteps bounced off the walls, creating an echo with each step. The darkness of the halls was not allowing you to see properly. But as you had nothing better to do, you kept walking until you finally came across the class you had intended to find.

Your hand brushed against the cold metal of the handle as you slowly pushed it open. Slowly peeking your head inside, you noticed that it was dark all around. Just like how it was outside. But the lights from the moon was seeping in through the clear window, giving your eyes just enough to see.

Stepping inside, your eyes travelled to the desk you were seated on.

But something else had caught your attention.

On the chair beside yours was a girl. Her eyes were closed as her head rested against her desk. The light from the moon reflected straight at her slender figure as she peacefully slept. It was almost as if she was shining in the darkness.

You couldn't take your eyes off of her. There lay your classmate Layla, someone who you deeply adored. You weren't sure if she knew about your feelings.

Love? Perhaps simply care.

Your body reacted on its own, stepping forward to her sleeping figure. Your fingers carefully brushed against her soft and smooth hair, feeling the texture of comfort. Your lips had parted slightly as you stared at her own parted lips.

An unknown warmth crept up your heart, even if you were simply just looking at the girl. You felt as if you wanted to protect her from everything. The nightmares of the night and morning. The ones created by her own mind, everything.

The books laid on the desk, now forgotten as their owner had found something better to look after. Or perhaps the owner was too deep in their own thoughts to remember anything else.

The girl had not stirred from her sleep, yet your heart had stirred feelings already.

Her soft curly blue hair spilled across her face, giving you the urge to simply move it away. And so you did, gently tucking it behind her ear. Her eyes fluttered, still showing no signs of opening.

You knelt down, bending yourself to reach her height. The sight of your classmate was simply too alluring for you to handle. A feeling of blithe had washed over you by just simply being close to her comforting presence.

Her soft breathes filled the classroom, filling your senses with her and only her. Every other thought had vanished the moment your eyes had landed upon her.

You were quickly broken out of your reverie when her eyes slowly opened, her lashes fluttering. Her head lifted with a sleepy expression, taking a moment to process the world around her. Her breathe quickened as she realized that she had fallen asleep in class.

"good morning" you whispered, unable to hold back a smile. You wanted to tell her to go back to sleep and that you would watch over her.

"...Did I fall asleep again...?" she mumbled, probably to herself you assume. Her fingers moved to rub her eyes as she sat up on her seat.

The cold wind from outside blew through the window that was partially opened. There was a moment of silence, but it was not completely silent as the wind did not allow it. The slow blowing of the air served as a background to the daydream you were having.

"What's the time...?" she whispered out in a sugary tone.

You immediately stuck your hand into your pocket and fished out your phone that you brought just in case.

"it's... two am. You shouldn't really be sleeping here at this time you know?" you sighed, feeling worried for her health. It definitely wasn't normal to be sleeping in a classroom during midnight. Though it was maybe a little comfortable... the cold wind would keep you company and help you relax with a cold feeling.

"I'm sorry I just fell asleep suddenly and I didn't notice the time..." she sighed. You could see the eyebags she had under eyes. She yawned, covering her mouth with her pretty hand. You just wanted to scoop her into your arms and let her sleep there as long as she wanted.

She finally looked at your face and paused. Whispering out your name, she looked back at her desk. She probably felt embarrassed being seen like this. What she didn't know was that you had seen her like that quite a few times. But you didn't want to hurt her feelings so you simply kept it to yourself, admiring her for a while and walking away. After a few thoughts that made your heart beat fast, that is.

You stood up straight from your bending position as to not get too close to her face and invade her personal space. You sat down on your seat which was right beside hers. She blinked a few moments, feeling confused on why you would sit down now as she thought you were about to leave.

"why are you here at this time...?" she asked, feeling genuinely curious about your actions.

"...ah right. I was here to take some books I forgot and then I saw you... so I decided to keep you company?" you laughed nervously, hoping she would understand and not think of you as a sort of stalker. She blinked and nodded.

"thank you for keeping me company then..." a slight shade of pink dusted her cheeks as her gaze turned away from your face and onto her desk.

A sigh left your mouth as you closed your eyes and let yourself relax in her and the winds presence. Your head rested on the desk, facing Layla. Her eyes that always held a sleepy beauty took in your appearance. She couldn't help but feel flattered that you were comfortable enough to look after her.

"you're welcome" you mumbled out, hoping that she'd heard it even though it was said in a very low tone.

And it seemed like she heard it. A gentle smile adorned her face as her eyes shut and slumber once again took control of her body and brain. Your mind simply forgot that you had just told her that it wasn't safe to sleep in such a way and decided to join her.

So the two of you now lay on your desks, heads resting against the hard surface though all you felt was gentleness and comfort as the cold breeze wrapped around you in a feeling of blanket that was lying outside in the freezing weather.

Soft snores filled the room, the two forgetting anything that could ever happen to them.

The end<3

im sorry for the delay for the kaveh one :(( i kinda just forgot about it lmao i'll write it soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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