29| Contract

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I walked into the same office as the last time

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I walked into the same office as the last time. I took a seat facing him, Lombardi watched in silence while Cecilia greeted me.

"Do you like to show up late?"

I rolled my eyes and set my bag on the floor. "Let's just go on with it," I said. My mind was in another place. My mind was with Tara.

She's asked me not to say anything to anyone, so what am I supposed to do?

How am I meant to help her?

"Cecilia, can you go and grab our guest a cup of coffee?" Luciano asked his sister. She immediately agreed and made her way out of the office.

"I'm literally leaving in five minutes," I told him.

"No you're not." He moved his body to face me. "We need to talk...about your father."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "what about him?"

His facial expression didn't change, he kept that rough look as he opened a drawer and slid a piece of paper across the table.

Something inside my stomach turned, the paper was in front of me but I didn't take my eyes off him.

"Read it," he said.

I finally took the paper and began to read it.


Full name: Felix Hunter Silva
Location: New York City
DOB: April, 23, 1973
Date: 7, 20, 2006

This agreement was observed by Giovanni Lombardi, Giuseppe Lombardi and Michael Ricci.

I, Felix Hunter Silva, agree to the arranged marriage of daughter : Rosette Silva, under the terms of safety and protection.

1. I agree to the terms and conditions.
2. I understand that I cannot go back on the contract.
3. I understand the circumstances of the agreement.

Signature: Felix Silva.

I scanned the page over and over. I couldn't believe it. I knew Lombardi was upset too, he was silent and reserved. He couldn't bare to look at me.

"And it's legally binding?" I asked, still looking down at the contract.


"That means we have to?"


"Can't we change that? There must be another way!" My anxiety began to show. In that moment, I didn't know how to react.

"I've tried," he sighed. "I've tried and I've tried. Trust me, I don't want it either."

My hands began to uncontrollably shake, I couldn't believe it. Why would my father legally bind me to a fucking man for the rest of my life?

Unless we get married then divorce.


I don't know.

I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the room, Cecilia called my name but I couldn't turn back. I didn't even fucking drive here so I don't have a getaway car.

My feet kept moving as my mind scrambled for answers.

That was before the incident, so why wasn't it retracted? Could they not retract it?

Or is there something else that I don't fucking know?

My phone was buzzing in my bag, my head was spinning with thoughts of confusion and rage. How could my father do that?

Does my mom know?

A car slowly pulled up beside me, moving as I walked.

"Get in," Lombardi said.


"Rage, get in now."


"I'm brining you to your dads," he said more softly.

"I can walk there."

He sighed and stopped the car. I still walked along the path, I don't know my way around New York but I'll fucking figure it out.

Lombardi stormed behind me and grabbed onto my arm. "Get in the car, don't be so fucking stubborn."

I stopped and looked back at him. His voice sounded full of rage but his face said otherwise. "Can you bring me to Tara?" I asked him.

He jolted his head and screwed his nose up. "Why the fuck?"

"She needs me."

"Silva," he sighed in a warning tone. "Are you fucking kidding me?"


He coughed up a laugh, a sarcastic smile covered his lips.
"So you've just learned that you've been engaged to me for most of your life but your little friend needs support?"

"And what's your problem, Lombardi?" I spoke back. "Why does that rattle your mind? Why are you so fucking upset about it?"

"I'm not upset."

"It sure looks like it," I told him.

He lets go of a loud breath before heading to the car. "Get in," he said once more.

I obeyed.

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