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No know pov, but lightly told by other y/n

My mom was an abusive woman after  my dad left. When I was 6, she would bring men over and have sex with them for money and drugs while barely caring for me. As time progressed, I was 7 when she changed all of a sudden, and she gave me a small skinny kitten for my birthday.
as she invited a new man to our home, Juan was his name, but she made me call him new Papa,

He wasn't any better than she. He would tell younger me that she hated me and wanted me die when she left for work. While in the background, they would both do cocaine and smoke weed.
And one time I was beside my mom, when I saw a letter, it was in spanish so I could understand so little of it, with my bad spanish. But it said something along the lines of. "Yo creo mi dinero, no tengo paciencia M/n, Juan. Se tu no me lo das, te voy a matar." He was basically threatening my mom.

Until 3 weeks later.

As I heard a knock on our door, peeking out from my room. I saw a tall, blond haired man with funky ass glasses, he seem like a giant at most. He was the man that would later kidnap me.

Still peeking, I saw that Juan went and slapped my mom, but she didn't do anything. As he yelled at her. And at the time. I adored my mom like almost obsessed even. And I wouldn't let that slide.

So I ran to that fucker, and started throwing some hands at him, and for a little girl I did Hella damage, because his leg was twisted in a weird knot. As he cried like a bitch. My mom was shocked and happy, while that fucker had a disgusting look on his face. And bam, I saw Juan was leaking blood, but it was blue. When I asked what happened to him, she said he was "asleep"

He said some shit in a language I couldn't understand at the time, telling my mom if she could give me to him. Sick fuck. Thankfully, she said no. Which must've pissed him off.

As she told me to go back to my room, I listened to her. Letting her and that creep talk, planning how I'd get kidnap.

While I was still in my room, I heard her say that the food was ready, coolly  it was my favorite white rice with chicken wings and black beans.

As I ran downstairs with aki, we all sat in our seats as we prayed and ate. My mom broke down, crying about how she wanted to change and h9w she was a bad mother, that she understood if I hated her.

Naive little me, stopped her, telling her she was My hero and that I adored her like I always said.

Soon, it was time for me to sleep, and I asked her to read me a bedtime story. She did. While I dreamed of me, my mom and my dad at home eating my favorite with aki there to.

Time-past and I'm 13 now, I learned English. And aki was still living. As we've both been trapped in the fuckers basement for 3 weeks, he finally must've heard, because he came to see me. He told me my mom sold me for drugs and to be debt free.

He said he would let me free if what he had in store was a success. He told me he wanted to try and experiment with me. Artificial devil fruits, exoskeleton, and likely immortality, he had me at immortality, I asked if he could make me and aki immortal. He said he would try.

The rest is a blur, but I luckily didn't have to get the experiments done on me, only aki. When I was wandering around the facility, I found an actual devil fruit, not one of those artificial bullshit. As aki got immortality in a way. He could change his cat mindset and move it to another animal. The side effects are that it can't be any zoan devil fruit users, only naturally born animals without devil fruits. 

As this all happens, I'm now 18, Doflamingo, and the others who helped him with the abuse went to prison. As I and aki were saves, they asked if I had any family. I told them no, but that I want a DNA test done.

I found out I was related to Garp and
the polices officers took me to the station, asked questions, and I answered. We came to find out that I had 3, half brothers. Same dad different moms. And it turns out that our dad isn't dead, just dead beat.

And that slut, M/n. That bitch fuckin O'D off of coke, yup that white substance that I saw when I was 6-7 was cocaine. I was shocked at first, but then I was happy. And the Monkey D family were so nice, they didn't criticize me, they let me live with them as a sister, and a granddaughter.

Since I was 18, I was the third child, Luffy, the odd foodie boy was the youngest. He was 17, Ace was 19, and he was the oldest. He's a charmer, but he means good, sabo was the second oldest, with him being 19 with he birthday a day after Ace's.  Sabo is like the mom of the family. As he is the odd one out, as he looked like a fucking gringo, which me, Ace and luffy teased him about it as a joke.

All of us had devil fruits except Gramps.

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