Chapter 17

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Needless to say, Beef threw a huge fit about the basket saying it was such a waste and gave everyone else the contents. We were all grateful for more food so we couldn't exactly say no. She took the empty basket and placed it just outside the barn door. I wondered if she knew who gave it to her. She must have if she threw such a fit.

Later in the morning, Teela came and told us that they'd prepared a large breakfast for us in the clearing. We all gasped in surprise and some of us started crying again. Braids along a few other girls hugged Teela and thanked her over and over again.

The breakfast was large indeed but most of us could barely eat half a plate. We ate a full meal last night, so eating more this morning was making us all feel sick. Teela told us that we needed to eat more to regain back our strength but it was easier said than done.

I saw most of the girls taking rolls but not eating them. They shoved them in their pockets. I found myself doing the same.

It was just a security measure.

Several people from George's colony came out to greet us while we were eating. The doctor and mostly women who were handing out food and other supplies but I happened to see a beaming Leilo in the crowd as well. He headed straight for one grumpy woman in particular. "Beef!" He shouted and smiled brightly at her.

I made sure to stay back and away from Beef in case she pummeled me but still in clear view of the chaos I created. Immediately, the angry woman froze from eating and glared at me across the crowd but I couldn't know for sure because I suddenly found my plate of food- particularly the scrambled eggs- so interesting in that moment.

Beef let out a grunt of frustration and threw her fork at him with all her might. He caught it easily and sat down on the grass next to her. Several of us watched the exchange with interest.

"Can I sit here?" He asked, already getting comfy. Beef huffed and moved her remaining food around with her butter knife.

"Don't make me stab you." She grumbled. It surely didn't help that Beef tended to be grumpier in the mornings. She had once threatened to push me in the river if I didn't stop chatting away the morning with Hazel. I didn't take her seriously until she held me over the edge by the collar.

Leilo scoffed. "As if you could. I'm really strong you know." He puffed his chest up proudly. Beef scoffed and rolled her eyes, glaring at him. He stretched his arms out and casually reached over to try and place his arm around Beef's waist.

Fueled with a fiery anger that even the sun couldn't compare to, she thrust out her butter knife and tried to stab him anyway. To her disappoint as well as the rest of our group, he knocked away the knife easily. "Ha! Told you!" He smirked playfully.

Beef let out some sort of war cry of anger as she tackled him. Leilo was definitely surprised and his face reddened up as he hit the ground with Beef straddling him so easily. She started punching him but only landed two to the face before he caught both her wrists and easily flipped them over so he was on top. "And pinned." He smirked triumphantly. She let out a frustrated scream and spit in his face.

We all gasped but couldn't stop watching. If we tried to join and get him off of Beef not only would we not be able to, but Beef would just be mad at us in the end. Her pride was a very important thing to her.

Leilo slowly wiped the spit off of his face with the back of his hoodie sleeve, a dangerous expression radiating in his gaze. "Playing dirty, huh?" He smirked as a thought popped in his head. "I suppose that means I get too as well." He let a large spit ball slowly dribble out of his mouth and drip down onto Beef's cheek. She screamed with all her angry might and shoved him hard to the side. Leilo must have let her get up because there was a slight delay before he rolled over, laughing his butt off. Beef glared at the stupid boy, stomping off towards the barn and slamming the door shut and leaving a confused looking Leilo still in the crowd.

I looked over at Leilo and shook my head. "Idiot." I muttered before grabbing Felicity- who still had a spoonful of hash browns in her mouth, and ran  after Beef to the barn.

I opened the door a crack and called out Beef's name. A blanket flew at my head and a shout full of profanities. "I brought Felicity." I added. The barn went silent.

A hint of a knowing smile started to creep on my face as shuffling was heard on the other side of the door. Beef opened it a crack and peered out cautiously for who she wanted. When she sighted her favorite girl, Beef brought Felicity to her chest and held her tenderly. The small girl just smiled sadly and hugged her back tightly.

"Are you okay?" Felicity asked, her concerned eyes never wavering from her strong admirer. Beef nodded and they sat down on her hay bed. I decided to give them some privacy and went back to our group, not liking being away from them for so long.

George was with them and when I got close enough I saw all the girls jump up excitedly, hugging each other as they cried out in joy. George saw me and waved me over. "I was just telling them I contacted Isla's alpha this morning and let him know you're all here. He said that Isla convinced them to head out now. They'll be here first thing in the morning to get you all." My smile shot up and Hazel limped over to hug me. I buried my head in her shoulder and started crying again. I seemed to be doing that a lot in the past day.

Suddenly a surge of tiredness and ache fell over me and I suddenly found it hard to stand. I felt painstakingly aware of my stinging feet, throbbing skull, beyond exhausted legs, sore muscles and a sharp tension pain in the back of my neck.

Hope was coming for us.

I did it.

I completed my task and now we finally made it through this nightmare. We made it to safety.

I crumpled to the ground and found the strength in my body leaving by the second. Hazel shouted for help and George was quickly at my side. My body felt limp but a weak smile was on my face. I let out a long breath in relief.

"She's alright. I think her adrenaline is finally wearing off." He sighed.

"What do you mean?" Someone asked.

"It means she's a good leader." I heard George say before I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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