Pain Reduced

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Adrien saw Ladybug at his mother's grave, guessing she wanted to support Emilie for him. She's unaware that Cat Noir may have forgiven Argos but Adrien did not. Argos doesn't know that his cousin is the cat which is why Adrien as himself already knows what he is but Felix doesn't.

"Thanks for supporting me but....I just need some time to accept my parents' death, including Nathalie" Adrien said.

"I came to pay respect too, Adrien" Ladybug said.

"Thanks. Don't give my father's grave the respect. No flowers on his grave" Adrien glanced at his father's grave which had no flowers. He puts roses on his mother's since she deserves to hear his prayers.

"I never did every time," Ladybug said.

"Good. But I do feel bad for still being hard on Felix even though you and the others forgave him" Adrien said.

"Don't let him suffer in guilt forever. He may have traded with that monster but your lifelines are preserved and the miraculouses are all restored" Ladybug said.

"You're right, Ladybug. I can't stay mad at him forever even though for what he has done" Adrien said.

Ladybug soon saw Felix come to visit his late aunt. He already heard their conversation. Felix stays silent since he doesn't want to make any more excuses since he is responsible for creating a bigger monster than himself.

Adrien just turns around, "Felix"

Ladybug leaves them but hopes Adrien won't be too hard on him. Unaware that Cat Noir may have forgiven him but Adrien did not. Felix has put too much trouble towards his cousin than in the cat.

"I get that you're going through a lot. I should've told you sooner but I was afraid you would think I'm crazy. Or how you'll react if you did see his true colors. I just didn't want to ruin the life you already have with your friends" Felix said with regret.

"I was still living a lie, Felix. In my whole entire life, I never had anything but my parents. They never told me I was a sentimonster because I was still a kid. But when my mom died, my father filled my head with lies so I wouldn't suspect him. I was still trapped under his control, even if I never noticed it. I hated lies, Felix. Even if you did try to get me to stand up for myself but I was still weak. I can still stand up for myself against anyone but not my father" Adrien groans angrily at the memory of what Flairmidable did to sell everyone to the monster.

"Sentimonster or not, we're more human than he ever was. But my serious actions are unforgivable and I understand that" Felix said.

"If you knew he kept my mother hidden, you could've done something but instead you chose to become bad just like him and your father to trade all the miraculous to the biggest oppressor you hate! Do you have any idea that his madness made him a monster to almost ruin me badly by forcing me to never let me be happy with the life I had?!" Adrien yelled at him angrily but also in sadness if something else would have happened if his father had gone too far.

Felix reacted in fear from his outburst.

"Nathalie told me that he did something to my amok ring that unleashed my inner sentimonster form because he wanted to punish me for standing up against him" Adrien sobs from the tortured memory, "I suffered anxiety and panic attacks because....." Adrien couldn't say it but decided to tell him now since he was also responsible for his father's death, "Plagg, come out and tell him everything" Adrien muttered, not wanting to say what he did to Monarch.

"Because he forced my kitten to cataclysm him," Plagg said.

"You're Cat Noir?" Felix gasped.

"Yes, and it was too late for a lucky charm to save him, unlike Paw Noir's previous self by his Ladybug," Adrien said.

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