chapter three

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Class was over, now I have to go to detention.when I got there Damien was sitting there.

"Hey zelda, now are you in the mood to talk now" he asked. How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to tell you anything" I yelled
"Now sit"

He obeyed and sat down, I sat on the  chair  next to the window hoping this day  would end soon.

The door opened and Cole, Asher and Olivia walked in. This day couldn't get Amy worst.

"Sup dude" color greeted Damien, then they started talking about basketball.

Olivia on the other hand was fixing her makeup.

"Zelda we heard you were going to play against the other school in the basketball tournament" Asher started.

"Yeah" I replied.


I looked back and saw it was Olivia.

"If not because we are in the same school, I would have wished you bad luck" show added.

" I couldn't care less" I replied.

Seeing that the situation was getting akward, Cole asked Olivia about their new cheer.

"Well it is amazing as always, but we need to change our outfit, I was thinking......" she explained before I cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah, can you just shut up, I'm tired of hearing you go on and on about your stupid outfit. PS no one cares" I yelled.

"C'mon Zelda just let her finish" Cole pleaded.

"Okay, fine" replied putting my headphone on.

I know I was being mean but she totally deserved it.

I felt a hand remove my headphone, it was none other than Cole.

"Give it back" I growled.

" c'mon you don't have to be mean to her, she is going through a lot right now, you know the break up thing"he added.

"Does it look like I care, she totally deserved it, now she can feel how it's like" I replied
"Now you can feel the pain you made Sasha go through when Cole broke up with her" I turned to Olivia.

The boys looked at themselves then Olivia started.

"Sasha is nothing, Cole made the eight decision by breaking up with her".

"Well he is stupid for not trusting Sasha, all she's done was to be loyal to him, but just cos of an untrue rumor he broke up with her" I replied.
The room became silent, I know Cole was hurt by what I said. As they say the truth is always bitter.

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