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Today me and Sodapop Decided to hangout today.
"Where babe?" He started rubbing his eyes.
"Uh let's just go to Dingo's then get icecream?i don't know."
He just nodded. Me and Soda were laying in Bed. It was like 5 am. I don't know why we are up this early.
"Soda" I said taking his Hand.
"Hm." He smiled with his Movie star Smile.
"What are we going to do when we are more older." I always thought about the future. I want to spend my life with Sodapop. The only guy who has ever made
Me feel different.
"I don't know. We'll grow old together and I'll never leave your side." He Kisses my cheek.
"What about Careers"
I had so much questions.
"I don't know I guess I'll always be Working at the gas station." He smiles.
"I wanna be a actress." He just started laughing.
"I don't know how you find it Funny."
"You're Serious."
"I am. I'm going to do everything to get there and Make so much money just for us. Well I'll Give the gang too. But yeah."
He just kissed me.
"Oh baby you got the looks you got that million dollar smile, and your personality damn, you're perfect."
I just started blushing. Me and Sodapop did the spoon he was the bigger spoon and we fell asleep, holding each other like nothing mattered.


I woke up around 10.
I quickly pecked his lips and got out of bed. We had work At 12. I walked downstairs and only Darry was up.
"Hey Darry." I said.
"Hey Selena and oh I'm sorry for yelling at you I knew you were trying to Defend pony and soda." I nodded.
"So is Ponyboy back."
"No I couldn't find him." Darry said with sadness in his eyes. I felt bad.
"You know what I'll go find him." I stood up.
"No it's my fault."
"I Darn am going."
Darry stood up to give me a hug.
"Be careful."
"I will and tell Soda I'll be back in a few days and tell him I love him. How did I ever get so lucky." With that I left. Going to find the First person who knows where they are My brother Dally.

I packed some clothes. And went to Dally's room.
"Dally do you know where Ponyboy and Johnny are?" I raise one eyebrow up.
"Nope" he put the covers in his face.
"I wasn't born Yesterday." I took the cover off him.
"Ugh. Fine Hop the three-fifteen freight to Windrixville," Dally instructed. "There's an old abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. There you go besides why do you need it?" He rolled his eyes.
"Where have you been??? I'm looking for pony and Johnny!" I smack his arm.
"Oh hell no. You are not going!" He yelled.
I just stepped on the dark side Of my brother.
"You can't stop me." I said walking away.
"You better not leave!" He yelled.
"Watch me." I turned around and walked out.

Sodapop's POV

I woke up at 11. I got up and no sign of Selena Hm. I walked downstairs.
"Morning Darry." I said. He was Cooking. Like always.
"Morning." He said back.
"Do you know where Selena is?" I said rubbing my eyes.
"Uh she went to search for pony and Jonnny."
"What?!"I yelled. I ran out of the house.
Darry followed. "With who??!" I said anger rising it's dangerous for her to be alone.
"By herself, at least she said she will be Back in a few days and she loves you and you're the best thing that ever happened to her." I just smiled. But she had to tell me so I could go with her. She can't be alone. How am I going to kiss her. I felt incomplete without her. She's my other half. We just stood there while Clouds were forming and raindrops fell from the sky.
This was a bad sign...


Selena's POV

I felt raindrops. Oh great not a way to start my day. Dally is going to kill me.
I was already here. I just needed to find jay mountain and the abandoned church.
I saw these workers working. I walked towards them
Could you tell me where Jay Mountain is?" I asked as politely as I could.
He pointed on down the road. "Follow this road to that big hill over there. That's it. Taking a walk?"
"Yessir." I managed to look sheepish. "I'm trying to find these boys have you seen em"
He just nods. "Just follow to your destination."
"Thank you."
I CLIMBED UP THE ROAD to the church, although it was a lot farther away than it looked. The road got steeper with every step. I was feeling kind of drunk--- I always do when I get too sleepy--- and my legs got heavier and heavier. It took me about forty-five minutes to get there. I climbed in a back window. It was a small church, real old and spooky and spiderwebby. It gave me the creeps.
"Johnny?Ponyboy?" I yelled. No one answered. I walked around to see them sleeping.
"Oh how glad I am to see you guys." I hugged them tightly.
"Us too." They hugged back.
"Why are you guys here?" I Asked.
"Uh Johnny killed bob.."Ponyboy Looked down.
Johnny felt guilty he started crying.
Oh lord. I cover my mouth with my hands.
"How." I asked hugging Johnny.
"We were Walking To dally, and some Socs came. And we started fighting and they started Drowning Ponyboy. And I got up and stabbed him..." He started crying more. "So we came here before the story is out,dally is going to inform us when it's over." I just nodded.
"I'll stay here with you guys don't leave my Side." They nodded.
"So how's Soda and Darry." Ponyboy asked.
"Both of them are taking it hard, they really miss you pony. And Johnny I missed you too. You guys are my baby brothers. I care for both of you. I'll die if something had happen to you guys. I love you both very much." I smiled.
"We love you too." They both hugged me.
"So are you and soda ever going to get married?" Johnny asked.
"I don't know. But I love him very much." I smiled.
"You guys are perfect for each other to be honest I never liked Sandy." He smiled.
"Me too" we all laughed. This is one of the moments I'll alway remember forever. These boys Make me happy besides Soda.
It was late so we decided to fall asleep.

We woke up late. I forgot where I was but I just remembered I went to search for The boys. We were all stiff and sore from sleeping in the hard wooden floor. Johnny was no where to be found. Maybe he took a walk.
Then Johhny walks in with bags.
Suddenly We realized something. "Johnny, you ain't thinking of..."
Johnny sat down and pulled out his knife. "We're gonna cut our hair, and you're gonna bleach yours." He said to pony. He looked at the ground carefully. "They'll have our descriptions in the paper. We can't fit 'em."
"Oh, no!" His hand flew to his hair. "No, Johnny, not my hair!"
It was his pride. It was long and silky, just like Soda's, only a little redder. They're hair was tuff--- I guess they didn't have to use much grease on it. They're hair labeled Them greasers, too- -- it was our trademark. The one thing we were proud of. Maybe we couldn't have Corvairs or madras shirts, but we could have hair.
"We'd have to anyway if we got caught. You know the first thing the judge does is make you get a haircut"
"I don't see why," I said sourly. "Dally could just as easily mug somebody with short hair."
"I don't know either--- it's just a way of trying to break us. They can't really do anything to guys like Curly Shepard or Tim; they've had about everything done to them. And they can't take anything away from them because they don't have anything in the first place. So they cut their hair." Ponyboy said
I felt bad For them. Cutting they're hair. Ponyboy didn't want to but either way they had too
THE NEXT FOUR or five days were the longest days I've ever spent in my life. We killed time by reading Gone with the Wind and playing poker. Johnny sure did like that book, although he didn't know anything about the Civil War and even less about plantations, and I had to explain a lot of it to him. It amazed me how Johnny could get more meaning out of some of the stuff in there than Johnny had failed a year in school and never made good grades--- he couldn't grasp anything that was shoved at him too fast, and I guess his teachers thought he was just plain dumb. But he wasn't. He was just a little slow to get things, and he liked to explore things once he did get them. He was especially stuck on the Southern gentlemen- -- impressed with their manners and charm.
"I bet they were cool ol' guys," he said, his eyes glowing, after I had read the part about them riding into sure death because they were gallant. "They remind me of Dally."
"Dally?" I said, startled. "Shoot, he ain't got any more manners than I do. And pony saw how he treated those girls the other night. Soda's more like them Southern boys." I just chuckled
"Yeah... in the manners bit, and the charm, too, I guess like look he got Selena," Johnny said slowly, "but one night I saw Dally gettin' picked up by the fuzz, and he kept real cool and calm the whole time. They was gettin' him for breakin' out the windows in the school building, and it was Two-Bit who did that. And Dally knew it. But he just took the sentence without battin' an eye or even denyin' it. That's gallant."
That was the first time I realized the extent of Johnny's hero-worship for Dally Winston. Of all of us, My brother, He didn't have Soda's understanding or dash, or Two-Bit's humor, or even Darry's superman qualities. But dally was real and smart.
Next morning

Hey, Ponyboy!" He grinned down at me. "Or should I say Sleeping Beauty?" I woke up to my brothers voice.
"I never thought I'd live to see the day when I would be so glad to see Dally Winston" we all just chuckled.
"I missed you little sis." He hugged me.
"How's Sodapop? Are the fuzz after us? Is Darry all right? Do the boys know where we are? What..."
"Hold on, kid," Dally broke in. "I can't answer everything at once. You two want to go get something to eat first? I skipped breakfast and I'm about starved."
"You're starved?" Johnny was so indignant he nearly squeaked. I remembered the baloney.
"Is it safe to go out?" I asked eagerly.
"Yep." Dally searched his shirt pocket for a cigarette, and finding none, said, "Gotta cancer stick, Johnnycake?"

Johnny tossed him a package.
"Let's goooo." I said.
"I haven't ate." I said.
"Oh yeah pony Soda Wanted me to give you this letter."

He opened it
It said..

Well I guess you got into some trouble, huh? Darry and me nearly went nuts when you ran out like that. Darry is awful sorry he hit you. You know he didn't mean it. And then you and Johnny turned up missing and what with that dead kid in the park and Dally getting hauled into the station, well it scared us something awful. The police came by to question us and we told them as much as we could. I can't believe little old Johnny could kill somebody. I know Dally knows where you are, but you know him. He keeps his trap shut and won't tell me nothing. Darry hasn't got the slightest notion where you're at and it is nearly killing him. I wish you'd come back and turn your self in but I guess you can't since Johnny might get hurt. You sure are famous. You got a paragraph in the newspaper even. Take care and say hi to Johnny for me and please tell Selena I miss her so damn much. I miss her Kisses."

All day I couldn't stop thinking about my Sodapop. Yeah I do miss his kisses and hugs. Ugh

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