Part 18 - Heavenly Ascension

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Xiao : So, you're Joseph, right?

Joseph : ... Yes.

Xiao : I'd like you to work with us.

Joseph : Huh? What kind of work?

Xiao : I want to contact Heavenly Ascension and I want you to be the link to do that as you've formerly worked for them before.

Joseph : !? They will catch and torture me until death if I step into the Outer Rim! I can't do this!

Xiao : Don't worry about your safety. Harold and Diana will be with you for ensure your security.

Harold and Diana nods.

Xiao : And also ours agents in the Outer Rim. So we just need you to contact them, meet with their leader and we will make a deal.

Joseph : ... What will you do to them?

Xiao : We will offer them a deal. Resources like food, water or anything like that but on weapon in exchange, we will ask them to stay low ang bring intel to us.

Joseph : ... Are you working with the Ark?

Xiao : No, consider us as a independent entity. We don't want any trouble who would delay our mission.

Joseph : ... Okay, I will do it but... What should I say to them? They will be wary if they see a ex-member accompagnied with unknowns peoples saying that we want to meet their leader and do some kind of shady deal.

Xiao : That shouldn't be a problem, we have the means to make ours demands more "acceptable".

The agents near Xiao shows their weapons as a mean to impress and intimidate Joseph.

Xiao : Besides, this deal will be advantageous for them so they've no way to not listen to us. Is that good to you?

Joseph slowly nods his head.

Xiao : Good. Everyone, follow Joseph to the Outer Rim. Joseph, go to the Outer Rim and meet with Heavenly Ascension's leader.

All : Yes, Captain Xiao

Joseph : Yes, ... Xiao.

Everyone leave the Command Center, only Xiao remains here.

Xiao : I suppose I can rest for a moment until Lowell comes back or I get a transmission from Harold or Diana.

*Some time later*

I arrive in the Outpost and I go to the Command Center to rest in the Commander's room. When I get here, I see Xiao laying down on a canape with her eyes closed. I look around to see if there's another one or a bed for me to use... Nothing... I sighed as I sit on the chair and put my legs on the desk to make myself as comfortable as possible.

Xiao : Tough day?

Lowell : Yeah.

Xiao : Do you want to talk about this situation while the other are away?

Lowell : ... Are we making any progress about the location of the "Queen"?

Xiao : Nothing, we just know our target insn't in the Ark so I'm preparing some teams to explore the surface.

Lowell : How many?

Xiao : 3 who are each consisted in 10 soldiers with scouts drones and cloaking equipments, it should be enough for this. Also, the pilgrim you've encountered and the Rapture "Chatterbox" may be a lead to locate the "Queen".

Lowell : ... Xiao, can I be honest with you?

Xiao : ... *Sigh* Sure.

Lowell : I feel some kind of... disappointement about the Ark,  it's methods and theirs comportements on Nikkes. I mean they managed to create this even though theirs techonologies  is less sophiticated as ours however I didn't see somes changes in the behavior of the citizens living here. It seems like they forgot what it's like living on the surface and discrimination against theirs protectors. *Sigh* ... I don't what's worse : The Raptures controlling the surface of this world or the abuse of the Ark on theirs Nikkes.

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