14 | Problems at the Dorms

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You had a great time with the members of the league of villains. You brought everyone together. It's like you were the missing piece of the puzzle. You weren't pretentious and arrogant. You had a way with words, what you have to say is interesting and everyone took a liking to you. They were like the siblings you never had, it's ironic that the so-called villains care more about you than your classmates, your teachers and your parents.
It's like they adopted you.
Toga: "Y/n you really should join us, i would love to have another girl in our team!"
"Yeah! We would have so much fun together" Says Magne...
"I am not sure... I feel like heros aren't worth fighting, i feel like when we try to fight back they categorize us more as villains, like we can't escape the label. Plus i am not really for killing people and causing harm, that doesn't mean i don't agree with your cause, i actually agree with Stain but maybe a more civil approach to things would be more ideal, in my opinion. You are free to think as you like but that's just how i see things. I know that the hero commission is corrupted, that heros are corrupted, maybe someone with our values getting into politics and fighting for our cause can be the solution? I don't pretend to know all the answers since this is such a complex issue...."
"I feel like the world needs to be rebuilt from scratch, the foundation of our laws and society as a whole." Shigaraki adds
"This is why i want to destroy this society and be in charge of the new world. Where we are free to do whatever we want."

You were in a dilemma, you wanted to support your new friends as you agreed with them but you didn't agree they're going about this. You can't keep your ties with the League a secret forever, you have to make a choice fast. And you did not want to abandon them. They went through enough as is. You wanted to be there for them and support their cause.

Through out the next few weeks Twice, Toga and Shigaraki confided in you about their past, their struggles.
You actually spent time with Tomura, playing video games together and exchanging mangas every time you met.

With Toga you hang out at the mall and do each other's makeup, you have the same music taste so you bond through music.

You call Twice from time to time to see how he's doing, he trusts you enough to vent and you guys watch bad romcoms together. Everyone felt how much you cared. How sincere you were.

Dabi is extremely protective of you, he makes sure you have safe food in the hideout, hides binge foods so you don't struggle like you do at the dorms.
Speaking of being at the dorms, people started to dislike you, as you binged purged on all the junk food in the house. That's on top of the food you buy yourself. You knew it wasn't right but you really couldn't control it. It was so tempting, when you're binging, it feels like an outer body experience. If it was up to you, you'd never binge. You'll restrict until you fade away into nothingness.

Class ends, as you're putting your copybooks in your backpack your homeroom teacher asks to talk to you about the issues at the dorm.

"Y/n a few of your classmates have complaints about you eating all the snacks in the dorms.. what is that about?"

"I am sorry Sensei, I truly have no excuse but it's really hard for me to not binge purge, as you know i have been hospitalized last year for bulimia nervosa and i have relapsed in the beginning of the school year. I'll do my best to not binge on their food again. I can even invest in a lock, that they can all have the code of, so that i don't have access to the food"

" I'll discuss this with the students individually and I'll get back to you, thank you for your time."

You felt so much shame and embarrassment. No one asked how you were doing, they were just annoyed that their food was going missing, they went straight to the teacher without even talking to you first.

"If i was in their shoes, i would ask my classmate if they're doing ok.
Even our teacher didn't check up on me..."

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