49 | Reunited

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In the days leading up to Dabi's arrival, your anticipation seemed to amplify with each passing moment, transforming the passage of time into an agonizingly slow crawl. Each day during your winter break felt like an eternity, filled with a restless energy that refused to be quelled by the usual distractions.

To occupy your mind and soothe your nerves, you threw yourself into a frenzy of activity, meticulously tidying every nook and cranny of your small apartment. With a fervent determination, you scrubbed floors, dusted shelves, and organized your belongings with meticulous care, finding solace in the repetitive tasks that offered a fleeting distraction from your mounting anticipation.

But despite your best efforts to keep yourself occupied, the minutes stretched on like hours, the relentless march of time seeming to taunt you with its sluggish pace. With each passing day, you found yourself growing increasingly restless, your thoughts consumed by the impending reunion with Dabi.

Finally, the long-awaited night arrived. As you made your way to Paris Orly Airport in the early hours of the morning, the city was cloaked in a hazy fog, the streets eerily quiet in the pre-dawn hours. The air crackled with anticipation, the sense of excitement palpable as you navigated the empty streets.

Arriving at the airport, your heart raced with a mixture of nerves and excitement, your senses heightened by the anticipation of seeing Dabi again. The terminal buzzed with activity, the bustling crowds a stark contrast to the stillness of the city outside.

As you made your way through the throngs of travelers, your heart skipped a beat as you caught sight of him. There he was, standing amidst the chaos of the airport, a solitary figure in the sea of faces. In that moment, everything else seemed to fade away, the world narrowing down to just the two of you.

With a surge of adrenaline, you quickened your pace, your eyes fixed on Dabi's familiar form. As you drew closer, your heart pounded in your chest, the anticipation building to a fever pitch. And then, in the blink of an eye, you were in his arms.

Without a moment's hesitation, you raced towards him, your heart pounding in your chest. As you reached him, you threw yourself into his arms, a mixture of relief and overwhelming joy washing over you.

"Dabi!" you exclaimed, your voice filled with emotion as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. "I can't believe you're here."

He chuckled softly, returning your embrace with equal fervor. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," he replied, his voice warm and reassuring. "I've missed you so much."

Tears welled up in your eyes as you held him close, the weight of his absence finally lifting from your shoulders. "How did you manage to take a flight from Japan?" you asked, a hint of curiosity in your voice.

Dabi grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Let's just say I have my ways," he replied cryptically. "But what matters is that I'm here now, and we're together."

As you basked in the warmth of his embrace, a sense of overwhelming gratitude washed over you. Despite the challenges and obstacles you had faced, you were finally reunited with the person who meant everything to you.

As you embrace, you can feel Dabi's warmth and the familiar scent of his cologne. You pull back to look at him, taking in every detail of his face. He looks tired, but his eyes are still that beautiful shade of blue that you fell in love with. You can't help but run your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands between your fingertips.

"I missed you so much," you say, tears streaming down your face.

Dabi smiles and wipes away your tears with his thumb. "I missed you too, babe."

You walk hand in hand to the car, asking Dabi about his trip, about Paris, about everything. He tells you all about his adventures, but you can sense that he's holding something back. You decide not to press him, knowing that he'll eventually tell you in his own time.

As you reach the house, you can't stop smiling. It feels like a dream, having Dabi back in your life. You enter the house and Dabi takes a moment to take in his surroundings. It's been so long since he's been here, but everything looks just the same.

"You've kept the place looking nice," he says, looking around with a small smile.

You laugh. "Of course, I wanted everything to be perfect for your return."

Dabi pulls you into another hug, burying his face in your hair. "Thank you."

You spend the rest of the night catching up, talking about everything and anything. You can feel the happiness radiating off of Dabi, and it makes your heart swell. You've missed this, missed him.

As you lay in bed that night, you can't stop staring at Dabi. You can't believe he's really here, in your arms. You ask him about his fake death in Japan, and he explains everything to you. How he had to do it to protect you both, to keep you safe. You understand, but you can't help but feel a pang of sadness that you had to go through that pain and grief.

"It was worth it though," Dabi says, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "To be able to see you again, to be with you."

You smile and lean in for a kiss, feeling grateful and blessed to have Dabi back in your life. You fall asleep in each other's arms, knowing that you have a lot to catch up on, but also knowing that you have all the time in the world to do so.

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